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Create/Modify Basic Details

The Create/Modify Basic Details API updates the basic configuration of the engagement server.


The HTTP URL for Create/ Modify Basic Details API is:


This service implements Gateway Filter for Authentication/Basic Authentication to authenticate access of the service by a user.



The payload's request header includes Content-Type as application/json;charset=UTF-8.

Input Parameters

The following fields are input parameters:

Input Parameter Required Type Description
retriesPerNotification Yes long Number of retries for each notification
reconciliationKey Yes string Reconciliation key
campaignExecutionIntervel Yes long Campaign's execution interval
preferredTimeZone Yes string Time zone
apiAuthToken Optional string Authentication token
corsRequired Yes boolean If Cors allowed or not. XMLHttpRequest for [URL] required Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). An XMLHttpRequest is made to a domain that is different than your page's domain.
allowedCorsDomains Optional string A list of allowed cors domains. Allowed domains to allow CORS settings, e.g. *
basicAuthRequired Yes boolean Whether basic authentication is required
identityAuth Optional boolean If identity authentication is required or not

Sample Request

"retriesPerNotification": 9,
"reconciliationKey": "Email",
"campaignExecutionIntervel": 1,
"preferredTimeZone": "GMT+05:30",
"apiAuthToken": "",
"basicAuthRequired": true,
"identityAuth": false

Output Parameters

The following fields are output parameters:

Output Parameter Type Description
id long A unique ID assigned to basic details
message string Response status message

Sample Response

"id" : "",
"message" : "Successfully Updated the details."

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Successfully updated the details
Status 400 Value for reconcilationKey should be one of : [Email, Mobile Number]Value for reconciliationKey can not be empty.value for campaignExecutionIntervel can not be emptyValue for corsRequired can not be emptyValue for basicAuthRequired can not be empty
Status 401 Unauthorized request
Status 500 Server failure to process request