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Create Group

The Create Group API creates a new group. A group is a collection of users with the same security permissions. Based on requirements, an administrator can create a new group with users with required permissions.


The HTTP URL for Create Group API is:


This service implements the Gateway Filter for Authentication to authenticate access of the service by a user.



The payload's request header includes Content-Type as application/json;charset=UTF-8;charset=UTF-8.

Input Parameters

The following fields are input parameters:

Input Parameter Required Type Description
groupName Yes string A unique name assigned to a group
email Yes string An email ID assigned to a group
groupDescription Optional string Particulars about objective of a group
activeFlag Optional boolean If the group is active or not
selectedUserIds Optional long The selected user IDs assigned to a group
selectedPermissionIds Yes long The selected permission IDs assigned to a group
allowAllApps Optional boolean If permission is allowed to apps or not
selectedAppIds Yes   An array of selected app IDs

Sample Request

"groupName": "Engagement Services Dev",
"email": "",
"groupDescription": "Engagement Services DevGroup",
"activeFlag": "true",
"selectedUserIds": [],
"selectedPermissionIds": [16, 18, 15, 17, 14, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 1, 3, 7, 8, 13, 10, 12, 9],

Sample Response

"id" : "3",
"message" : "Details added successfully"

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Details Added successfully
Status 400 Application permissions can be enabled only for the group who has ADHOC_PUSH permissionGroup name is requiredEmail is requiredInvalid request payload. Error occurred at property selectedPermissionIdsInvalid group ID provided, or No group found with given ID
Status 401 Unauthorized request.
Status 500 Server failure to process request