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Unregistering a Device for not to Receive Push Notifications for a Pass

The Unregistering a Device for not to Receive Push Notifications for a Pass API is used to unregister a device so the device cannot receive push notifications for a pass.


The HTTP URL for Unregistering a Device for not to Receive Push Notifications for a Pass API is:


This service implements Gateway Filter for Authentication/Basic Authentication to authenticate access of the service by a user.



The payload's request header includes Authorization: ApplePass xxxxx

Input Parameters

The following fields are input parameters:

Input Parameter Required Type Description
Apple Pass Authroization Yes string Apple pass authorization details

Sample Response

   "message": "Unregistered succesfully.",

"id": "KPID"  

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Unregistered successfully
Status 400 Invalid Request. No registration found
Status 401 Invalid authentication token
Status 500 Failed to deregister pass device