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Get Inbound Number

An inbound number instance resource represents a long number or short code purchased from TWILIO or NEXMO or CLICKATELL. The Get Inbound Number API enables you to retrieve a long number or a short code from Engagement Services.


The HTTP URL for Get Inbound Number API is:


Note: : Here, number ID refers to an ID that is used to map inbound number with internal data record.

This service implements ‘Gateway Filter for Authentication’ to authenticate access of the service by a user.



Output Parameters

The following fields are output parameters:

Output Parameter Type Description
id long A unique ID assigned to the inbound number
name string A unique name assigned to the number such as Customer Banking Number
code string Short code/ Long Number
description string Description of the inbound number
replyForInvalidReq string SMS to be sent for invalid requests that are sent to this number. If this field is left blank, then no reply SMS will be sent for invalid requests
createdBy string Name of the user who added the inbound number
createdDateStr string Date on which the inbound number was added
lastModifiedBy string Name of the user who last modified the inbound number
lastModifiedDateStr string Date on which the inbound number was last modified

Sample Response

"id" : 2,
"name" : "Apollo Online Help",
"code" : "55315",
"description" : "online appointment booking",
"replyForInvalidReq" : "Please enter correct code",
"createdBy" : "admin",
"createdDateStr" : "08/18/2016 02:01:22 PM IST",
"lastModifiedBy" : "admin",
"lastModifiedDateStr" : "08/18/2016 02:01:22 PM IST"

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Inbound Number JSON
Status 400 Invalid Inbound Number ID provided or no valid Inbound Number found with given ID
Status 401 Unauthorized request
Status 500 Server failure to process request