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Design Structure

The application is a Java application built on Vert.x, with various files in resources.

Package Structure

The Java structure is:

  • com.hcl.domi: the Vert.x verticle deployed and custom handlers.
    • Mainverticle: the main verticle that gets loaded, creating and registering the web server and metrics server.
    • RefreshTokenHandler: the handler for requests to refresh tokens. The handler extracts the token, calls the refresh method of the relevant OAuth provider and echoes back the response.
    • RevokeTokenHandler: the handler to revoke tokens. The handler extracts the token, calls the revoke method of the relevant OAuth provider and returns a 200 status code.
  • com.hcl.domi.metrics: the classes for Prometheus metrics.
    • DOMIStatistics: an interface for managing metrics.
    • DOMIStatisticsHolder: an enum implementing the DOMIStatistics interface.
  • com.hcl.domi.providers: the classes for managing OAuth providers.
    • OnlineMeetingProviderFactory: an interface for holding details for a specific OAuth provider - client ID, client secret, provider name and host name for this web server. This is also where all routes are created for the meeting provider, using the createAndEnableRoutes method.
    • OnlineMeetingProviderFactoryHolder: a class implementing the OnlineMeetingProviderFactory interface.
    • OnlineMeetingProviderParameterBuilder: a builder class to receive, validate and build all parameters required to be passed into OnlineMeetingProviderFactory.createAndEnableRoutes().
    • OnlineMeetingProviderParameters: a class to hold all parameters to be passed into OnlineMeetingProviderFactory.createAndEnableRoutes().
    • ZoomOAuth2API: a class extending OAuth2API because Zoom’s revoke API expects the token to be passed as a query parameter rather than the IETF standard of including it in the POST body.
    • ZoomOAuth2ProviderImpl: a class extending OAuth2AuthProviderImpl to allow code to call an overloaded tokenRevocation() method.
  • the generic classes for use elsewhere.
    • DOMIConstants: all constants used throughout the application.
    • DOMIException: a class for exceptions within this application.
    • DOMIProvider: enum for variable information relating to a meeting provider.
    • DOMIUtils: static methods for use throughout the application.


The files here are:

  • webroot/index.html: a landing page in case anyone navigates to the server itself.
  • config.json: the configuration for the Vert.x application.
  • a properties file extracting values from the Maven configuration.
  • error.html: a generic HTML error page.
  • a properties file for logging settings.
  • meetings.mustache: an HTML file with mustache variables, used to merge in the refresh token and meeting provider details. The resulting HTML is displayed in response to a successful OAuth dance.
  • notfound.html: an HTML page for 404 errors.