Cancel Scheduled Messages from Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services - Second Method
The Cancel Scheduled Messages from Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services API cancels the scheduled messages from Volt MX Foundry Engagement server. You can cancel only those push messages that are scheduled later.
The HTTP URL for Cancel Scheduled Messages from Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services API is:
http://<host or ip>:<port>/api/v1/messages/cancelmessage/$requestID
Note: request ID: The request ID is an unique ID assigned to a push message. The request ID is used to track the current status of the push message. You can view the request ID assigned to a push message under Engagement Services Console > Settings > Status > Message Queue > Request ID column.
Input Parameters
The following fields are input parameters:
Input Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
requestId | Yes | string | Request ID is generated as a push message response |
Sample Response
Cancelled 5 message entries of the Message with ID : 4930492249112405421
Response Status
Code | Description |
200 | Cancelled ${no. of messages} message entries of the message with ID : ${requestID} |
400 | No cancellable messages found |