Fetch Push Sent Payload
The Fetch Push Sent Payload API fetches the sent push message details.
Use Case
The pushId that is needed to invoke this API can be retrieved from the console of the engagement server.To retrieve the pushId from console, click on Settings > Status > Message Queue list view > click the required message under the Message column to view the push ID. Here push ID is referred as mid.
The HTTP URL for Fetch Push Sent Payload API is:
Input Parameters
The following fields are input parameters:
Input Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
pushId | Yes | long | Unique ID assigned to a push message |
Sample Responses
Response for Apple
"aps": {
"alert": {
"title": "ipad demo for fetch push",
"body": "Thomas Smith"
"mid": "9078822310396325159"
Response for Android
"collapse_key": "1",
"notification": {
"sound": "sds",
"title": "title of the Message ",
"click_action": "sds",
"body": " Body of the message "
"data": {
"dsd": "asfs",
"mid": "8337661549314092810"
Response for Windows
<< ? xml version = "1.0"encoding = "utf-8" ? ><wp : Notification xmlns: wp = "WPNotification" >
<wp: Toast >
<wp: Text1 > title of the Message < /wp:Text1> <wp: Text2 > Body of the message < /wp:Text2> <wp: Param > ? mid = 8337662279475677599 & amp;mode = 2 < /wp:Param> </wp:Toast> </wp:Notification>
Response for BlackBerry
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE pap PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD PAP 2.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/pap_2.0.dtd" [<?wap-pap-ver supported-versions="2.0,1.*"?>]>
<push-message push-id="8678434782040504592" deliver-before-timestamp="2016-09-02T09:57:00Z" source-reference="300059-7s489985m4r07y4942o839cm344yy7457">
<address address-value="2820ecc9"/>
<quality-of-service delivery-method="UNCONFIRMED"/>
Content-Type: text/plain
Push-Message-ID: 8678434782040504592
key2: BBKey2 Value
key1: BBkey1 values
Push Message content BB
Response for Web
"notification": {
"sound": "sds",
"title": "title of the Message ",
"click_action": "sds",
"body": " Body of the message "
"data": {
"dsd": "asfs",
"mid": "8337661549314092810"
Response Status
Code | Description |
Status 200 | Succesfully updated the message status |
Status 400 | Push was not delivered with the provided ID |
Status 401 | Unauthorized request |
Status 500 | Server failure to process request |