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Modify Beacon by ID

The Modify Beacon by ID API modifies the details of a beacon.


The HTTP URL for Modify Beacon by ID API is:


This service implements Gateway Filter for Authentication to authenticate access of the service by a user.



The payload's request header includes Content-Type as application/json;charset=UTF-8.

Input Parameters

The following fields are input parameters:

Input Parameter Required Type Description
name Yes string The unique name assigned to a beacon
details Optional string Description of the beacon
uuid Yes alphanumeric Universally Unique Identifier Number (UUID) assigned to the Beacon. UUID contains 32 hexadecimal digits, split into 5 groups, and separated by dashes, for example, f7826da6-4fa2-4e98-8024- bc5b71e0893e
major Optional long Major ID is a major identifier of a Bluetooth beacon
minor Optional long Minor ID is a minor identifier of a Bluetooth beacon

Sample Request

"name": "BeaconCreateName",
"details": "BeaconCreateDetails",
"uuid": "Beacon-Create-UUID",
"major": "123",
"minor": "234"

Output Parameters

The following fields are output parameters:

Output Parameter Type Description
id int Unique ID assigned to a beacon
message string Response status message

Sample Response


"message" : "Details updated successfully",

"id" : "beaconId"


Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Details updated successfully
Status 400 Invalid request. Request method not allowedAuthentication fail, Invalid credentials
Status 401 Unauthorized request.
Status 500 Server failure to process request.