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User Guide: SDKs > JavaScript SDK > Downloading Volt MX Plain JS SDK

Invoking a Logic Service

The getLogicService API creates an instance of logic service that is configured in the Volt MX Foundry portal. logicClient = KNYMobileFoundry.getLogicService(serviceName)

// Sample code to fetch the logic service details

var serviceName = "logic_service_name";

//Get an instance of the SDK
var client = voltmx.sdk.getCurrentInstance();
var logicSvc = client.getLogicService(serviceName);
voltmx.print("Response is :" + logicSvc.getLogicServiceUrl());

//Configure the arguments
var path = "path_defined_on_voltmx Foundry";  
var HttpMethodType = "POST"; //Supported methods: "POST", "PUT", "GET", "DELETE"
var params =
    "custom-input-key1": "custom-input-value1"

var headers =
    "custom-header-key1": "custom-header-value1"

//Invoke the operation
logicSvc.invokeOperation(serviceName, path, HttpMethodType, headers, params, function(response)
    voltmx.print("Successfully fetched logic service: " + JSON.stringify(response));
}, function(error)
    voltmx.print("error occurred in fetching logic service: " + JSON.stringify(error));