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User Guide: SDKs > .NET (Visual Studio) SDK > Invoking an Object Service > ObjectService Class

ObjectService Class

The ObjectService class provides methods that act on the Volt MX Foundry endpoint, including basic CRUD and metadata functions .


The following methods are used by the ObjectService class.

Create Method

Creates an object in the Volt MX Foundry endpoint.


 Create(dataObject, headers, queryParams);


Parameter Type Description
dataObject DataObject An instance of the DataObject class which contains data about the object and its data.
headers Dictionary Key/value pairs of httpHeaders that are sent along with the network call.
queryParams Dictionary Key/value pairs of query params that are appended to the url while making a network call.


public void CreateObject() {
    VoltMX.SDK sdkObject = new VoltMX.SDK();
    try {
        sdkObject.Init("<app_key>", "<app_secret>", "<service_url>");
        VoltMX.ObjectService objectsvc = sdkObject.GetObjectService("<service_name>");
        VoltMX.DataObject dataObject = new VoltMX.DataObject("<object_name>");
        dataObject.AddField("field1", "value1");
        JObject result = objectsvc.Create(dataObject);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sdkObject.Log("Create Object Failed");

DeleteRecord Method

Deletes an object in the Volt MX Foundry endpoint.


 DeleteRecord(dataobject, headers, queryParams);


Parameter Type Description
dataObject DataObject An instance of the DataObject class which contains data about the object and its data.
headers (Optional) Dictionary Key/value pairs of httpHeaders that are sent along with the network call.
queryParams (Optional) Dictionary Key/value pairs of query params that are appended to the url while making a network call.


 public void DeleteObject() {
    VoltMX.SDK sdkObject = new VoltMX.SDK();
    try {
        sdkObject.Init("<app_key>", "<app_secret>", "<service_url>");
        VoltMX.ObjectService objectsvc = sdkObject.ObjectServices("<service_name>");
        VoltMX.DataObject dataObject = new VoltMX.DataObject("<object_name>");
        //Primary Key is Required to perform the DeleteRecord operation.
        dataObject.DeleteRecord("Primary_Key", "value");
        JObject result = objectsvc.DeleteRecord(dataObject);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sdkObject.Log("Delete Object Failed");

GetMetadataOfAllObjects Method

Gets the metadata associated with the objects defined in the service from the server or local store.


 GetMetadataOfAllObjects(headers, queryParams);


Parameter Type Description
headers Dictionary Key/value pairs of httpHeaders that are sent along with the network call.
queryParams Dictionary Key/value pairs of query params that are appended to the url while making a network call. To query data, the Odata Url is sent in this parameter.


 public void GetMetadataForAllObjects() {
    VoltMX.SDK sdkObject = new VoltMX.SDK();
    try {
        sdkObject.Init("<app_key>", "<app_secret>", "<service_url>");
        VoltMX.ObjectService objectsvc = sdkObject.ObjectServices("<service_name>");
        VoltMX.Metadata objectsMetadata = null;
        objectsMetadata = objectsvc.GetMetadataOfAllObjects();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sdkObject.Log("Get Metadata Of All Objects Failed");

GetMetadataOfObject Method

Gets the metadata associated with an object defined in the service from the server or local store.


 GetMetadataOfObject(objectName, headers, queryParams);


Parameter Type Description
objectName string Object name in Volt MX Foundry
headers Dictionary Key/value pairs of httpHeaders that are sent along with the network call.
queryParams Dictionary Key/value pairs of query params that are appended to the url while making a network call.


 public void GetMetadataForObject() {
    VoltMX.SDK sdkObject = new VoltMX.SDK();
    try {
        sdkObject.Init("<app_key>", "<app_secret>", "<service_url>");
        VoltMX.ObjectService objectsvc = sdkObject.ObjectServices("<service_name>");
        VoltMX.Metadata objectsMetadata = null;
        objectsMetadata = objectsvc.GetMetadataOfObject("<object_Name>");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sdkObject.Log("Get Metadata Of Object Failed");

PartialUpdate Method

Partially updates an object in the Volt MX Foundry endpoint.




Parameter Type Description
dataObject DataObject An instance of the DataObject class which contains data about the object and its data.
headers Dictionary Key/value pairs of httpHeaders that are sent along with the network call.
queryParams Dictionary Key/value pairs of query params that are appended to the url while making a network call.


 public void PartialUpdateSampleObject() {
    VoltMX.SDK sdkObject = new VoltMX.SDK();
    try {
        sdkObject.Init("<app_key>", "<app_secret>", "<service_url>");
        VoltMX.ObjectService objectsvc = sdkObject.ObjectServices.<service_name>;
        VoltMX.DataObject dataObject = new VoltMX.DataObject("<object_name>");
        dataObject.AddField("Updatedfield1", "Updatedvalue1");
        //Primary Key is required to perform the update operation.
        dataObject.AddField("Primary_Key", "value");
        JObject result = objectsvc.PartialUpdate(dataObject);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sdkObject.Log("Update Object Failed");

Update Method

Updates an object in the Volt MX Foundry endpoint.


 Update(dataobject, headers, queryParams);


Parameter Type Description
dataObject DataObject An instance of the DataObject class which contains data about the object and its data.
headers Dictionary Key/value pairs of httpHeaders that are sent along with the network call.
queryParams Dictionary Key/value pairs of query params that are appended to the url while making a network call.


 public void UpdateSampleObject() {
    VoltMX.SDK sdkObject = new VoltMX.SDK();
    try {
        sdkObject.Init("<app_key>", "<app_secret>", "<service_url>");
        VoltMX.ObjectService objectsvc = sdkObject.ObjectServices("<service_name>");
        VoltMX.DataObject dataObject = new VoltMX.DataObject("<object_name>");
        dataObject.AddField("Updatedfield1", "Updatedvalue1");
        //Primary Key is required to perform the update operation.
        dataObject.AddField("Primary_Key", "value");
        JObject result = objectsvc.Update(dataObject);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        sdkObject.Log("Update Object Failed");