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User Guide: SDKs > JavaScript SDK > Downloading Volt MX Plain JS SDK

Downloading Volt MX Plain JS SDK Files

To download Plain JS SDK, follow these steps:

  1. In the Volt MX Foundry console, navigate to Apps > SDKs, and click JavaScript. The system prompts you to save the zip file in your local system.

  2. Save the file in your local system.

  3. Extract file that you just downloaded.
    The voltmx-plainJS-sdk folder contains the following files:
    • voltmx-sdk.js
    • voltmx-sdk.doc
    • config.js
    • LICENSE.txt
    • version.txt

Important : In your app, the JS files must be loaded in the following sequence: config.js → voltmx-sdk.js.

The config.js file contains the following keys. Make sure that you replace the placeholders with values that are related to your app.

  • appId: Specifies the project name of your client JS app. For example: NewsAndWeather
  • appName: Specifies the name of your client app. For example: News and Weather app
  • appVersion: Specifies the version number of the client app. For example: 1.0.0