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Manage Console Users

An owner/admin role user of Cloud can now manage the access of other users of the owner's account to the Iris Starter Cloud or Iris Enterprise Cloud.

The manage users module deals with providing users of the account access to download Iris installers within Foundry Console.

Foundry users who get permissions to Cloud account can download Iris (Starter or Enterprise) installer from Cloud account, install Iris on a local machine, and then design apps using Iris. Then the user can also log into Foundry Console and publish apps to Cloud. Foundry users who have permissions to access an account can invite and manage other users in the account.

For iris install documentation and system requirements, refer here.

When an user has access to Iris Starter or Iris Enterprise Clouds, only then the respective tabs (DESIGN or DEVELOP) display details such number of licensed users along with the Manage Users button and download links to Iris installer. From the Cloud account > Dashboard tab, click Manage Users. The Manage Users screen appears with the list of users. The list view displays a list of all the users along with other details. You can search the users based on each column and sort on each column.

To manage access to Iris Starter Cloud, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Foundry Console/ Cloud account. By default, the DashboardIris Starter tab appears.

    When a user is not provided access to Cloud, the Iris Starter tab displays the following message.

    If an user has access to Iris Starter or Iris Enterprise Clouds, only then the respective tabs (DESIGN or DEVELOP) display details such number of licensed users along with the Manage Users button and download links to Iris installer.

  2. Click Manage Users. The Manage Users dialog appears with the list of invited users and their Console Access status, for example, Iris Starter Cloud or Iris Enterprise Cloud.

  3. To invite users to the account, follow these steps:

    1. Enter the email address of the user you're inviting.
    2. Click INVITE. The user receives an email invitation to Cloud from Accounts. The user need to accept the invitation to use Cloud.
    3. In the invitation mail, click the Accept Invitation link to accept this invitation. You are redirected to Cloud Accept Invitation page.
    4. Click Cloud Console. You are redirected to CloudSign in to your Account page.
    5. Enter your credential land click Sign in. You are redirected to Foundry Console. By default, the Dashboard tab appears.
    6. Click the required links under Download Iris Starter section to start download Iris installer. After the users are added to the account, an owner can provide the following accesses:

      Access Action Description
      Yes Revoke Access A user has access to the account. You can click to Revoke Access to revoke the access.
      No Grant Access A user is not given access to the Cloud. You can click Grant Access to give Cloud access to the user.
      Accepting Pending A user needs to accept the invitation.