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Server Event APIs

Server Events is a capability of the VoltMX Foundry run-time server that lets the back-end services generate and subscribe to events. Server Events are used to receive events asynchronously when the client app does not need to wait for a response. For example, processing a submitted order or invoking an activity that takes a long time.

  • Connection per application is restricted to one.
  • Common Callbacks should be defined only once per connection for avoiding any inconsistency.

The following global callbacks are mandatory in the setServerEventsCallbacks API:

  • onEventCallback
  • onFailureCallback

The client that is used in the code snippets is the voltmx.sdk() object, which can be initialized by using this code: var client = new voltmx.sdk();.

setServerEventsCallbacks API

The setServerEventsCallbacks API sets the common callback for the Server Events API. The common callbacks are onEventCallback, onFailureCallback, and onCloseCallback.

Make sure this API is being called once per application life cycle as the callbacks are common and re-assigning can cause overriding of the existing callbacks defined. Even if the connection is closed, the callbacks remain in the application life cycle assigned.




Parameter Type Description
setupOptions JSON
This parameter contains the following options:
  • onEventCallback (Mandatory): Invoked when the server returns the response for a triggered event and whenever the connection is established for the first time, that is onOpen.

  • onFailureCallback (Mandatory): Invoked when the server returns an error response.

  • onCloseCallback (Optional): Invoked when the WebSocket connection is closed.


Sample Code

setupOptions =
    "onEventCallback": function(message)
        //Handle the server event notification

    "onFailureCallback": function(error)
        //Handle the error that occurred

    "onCloseCallback": function(message)
        //Handle the closure of the connection

subscribeServerEvents API

The subscribeServerEvents API opens the WebSocket connection for the first time and sends a subscription message for the specified topics. After subscribing to the topics, the application starts receiving the relevant Server Events messages.


client.subscribeServerEvents(topicsToSubscribe, subscribeOptions);


Parameter Type Description
topicsToSubscribe String/Array of Strings Specifies the topics to be subscribed.
subscribeOptions JSON
This parameter contains the following options:
  • subscribeMode: Specifies the type of subscription, which can be Private or Public. If no value is passed, Private mode is used by default.
  • onSubscribeCallback: A local callback that is invoked when the server sends a response for the subscription. Specifies whether the connection was successful, and also contains a list of events that were subscribed.

The onSubscribeCallback is local to the subscribeServerEvents API. If a Network or Server error occurs during subscription, the error is sent to the global onFailureCallback function. As no events are subscribed due to the error, the onSubscribeCallback contains a No events subscribed message.

If a partial subscribe occurs, the events that are subscribed are listed in the onSubscribeCallback function.


Sample Code

var topicsToSubscribe = \["service1/operation1", "service1/operation2", "service2/operation1"\];

subscribeOptions =
    "subscribeMode": "Private",
    "onSubscribeCallback": function(message)
        //Handle the response from the server

client.subscribeServerEvents(topicsToSubscribe, subscribeOptions);

unsubscribeServerEvents API

The unsubscribeServerEvents API is used to unSubscribe from the Server Events messages for the specified topics.

If closeConnection option is passed as true along with events to be unSubscribed, WebSocket will internally close the connection as all the topics from the server would be unSubscribed automatically.


client.unsubscribeServerEvents(topicsToUnsubscribe, unsubscribeOptions);


Parameter Type Description
topicsToUnsubscribe String/Array of Strings Specifies the topics to be unsubscribed.
unsubscribeOptions JSON
This parameter must contain the following options:
  • unSubscribeMode: Specifies the type of subscription, which can be Private or Public. If no value is passed, Private mode is used by default.
  • closeConnection: Specifies whether the existing connection must be closed. The default value of this property is false. To close the existing connection, this property must be true.

If the connection is closed successfully, the response is sent to the global onCloseCallback function.

  • onUnsubscribeCallback: A local callback that is invoked when the server sends a response for the removal of subscriptions. Specifies all the events that have been unsubscribed.

The onUnsubscribeCallback is local to the unsubscribeServerEvents API. If the closeConnection flag is true, the onUnsubscribeCallback is not invoked, and the server response is sent to the global onCloseCallback function.

If a Network or Server error occurs during the removal of subscriptions, the error is sent to the global onFailureCallback function. As no events are unsubscribed due to the error, the onUnsubscribeCallback contains a No events unsubscribed message.

If a partial unsubscribe occurs, the events that are unsubscribed are listed in the onUnsubscribeCallback function.


Sample Code

var topicsToUnsubscribe = \["service1/operation1", "service1/operation2", "service2/operation1"\];

 unsubscribeOptions =
    "unsubscribeMode": "Private",
    "closeConnection": true, //The default value is false. To close the existing connection, this property must be true

    "onUnsubscribeCallback": function(message)
        //Handle the response from the server

 client.unsubscribeServerEvents(topicsToUnsubscribe, unsubscribeOptions);

Reference: Response Codes

Response Code Response
6201 Subscribe Success
6202 Subscribe Error
6203 Subscribe Partial Success
6207 Unsubscribe Success
6208 Unsubscribe Error
6209 Unsubscribe Partial Success
6210 On Event
7200 On Open
7201 On Error
7202 On Close

Notes and Expected Behaviors:

  • SSL pinning Support for Server Events:

    SSL pinning is not currently supported for Server Events in any platform.

  • Network failures: When network connectivity goes OFF and WebSocket is still running.

    Platforms Android iOS SPA
    Chrome Firefox Safari Edge
    --- --- --- ---
    Expected Behaviors Failure callback followed by Close callback. Failure callback. Failure callback.

    For network connectivity related issues, Re-Subscribing to the existing topics will establish the connection again if closed internally.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I subscribe to a topic more than once?

    Yes, you can subscribe to events for a topic multiple times. The events will be notified each time an application has subscribed to that topic.

  • Can I unsubscribe from a partial list of topics?

    Yes, you can unsubscribe from a partial list of topics.

  • Can I use different callbacks for every subscription?

    Currently, the API maintains only one callback and the events for all topics will be notified through the same callback. When a different callback is passed with another subscription, all the events will start invoking the latest callback provided in the subscription.


  • There is no support to reconnect to a topic if a connection fails or if the client app crashes. Therefore, the app will not receive notifications when an event is invoked.
  • If the connection fails or if the app crashes, you need to use the subscribeServerEvents API to establish a connection with the WebSocket. Make sure that you call the API when the app is re-launched.