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VoltFormula tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to use VoltFormula in Volt MX Go Iris to convert formulas from OpenFormula and NotesFormula into Volt MX Go Rosetta JavaScript. This feature in Volt MX Go Iris allows you to enter into source OpenFormula link image and Notes Formula Language link image and have it translated automatically into JavaScript code.

Before you begin

Launch Volt MX Go Iris

  1. Open Volt MX Go Iris. When the Sign-in dialog opens, close it.


    If you have already configured the login settings while performing the other tutorials, enter your email and password for Volt MX Go Foundry on the Sign in to your account page and click Sign In. You don't need to execute the steps below for configuring the login settings and logging in.

  2. Configure the login settings.

    1. Go to Preferences.

      For Windows, select EditPreferences.

      For Mac, depending on your macOS, select Volt IrisPreferences or Settings.

    2. On the Volt MX Go Iris Preferences dialog, click Volt MX Go Foundry.


    3. On the Volt MX Go Foundry tab, enter your Foundry URL in the Foundry URL text box, and then click Validate.

      You should see the “Validation Successful” message at the top of the dialog.

    4. Click Done.

  3. Log in to Volt MX Go Iris.

    1. Click Login on the upper right corner of the Volt MX Go Iris screen.
    2. Enter your email and password for Volt MX Go Foundry on the Sign in to your account page.
    3. Click Sign In. Your username appears next to the profile icon.

Open VoltFormula using the Action Editor


To see your Project, click in Design tab beside the Storyboard tab.

  1. Open your Project.
  2. On the Project window, find the Forms. Once you click the form, the form appears on the canvass.
  3. On the form canvass, select the widget or object you want to apply action to. Right-click it, and then select one of the action sequences, such as onTouchStart, onClick and others.

    Context menu

    The Action Editor opens and creates an action sequence for you to configure.

  4. On the left side of the Action Editor, go to Formula and click the Add Formula.

    Formula Editor

Translate OpenFormula and NotesFormula into JavaScript

  1. On the Action Editor, click the Add Formula on the diagram. On the right side of the Action Editor window, you can see the properties of the VoltFormula.

    • window for the translated OpenFormula and NotesFormula in JavaScript.
    • window for the formula language - OpenFormula and NotesFormula are the accepted formulas to add in this window.
    • window for the formula results.

    Action Editor

  2. Click on Formula Language window and enter a valid formula.


    In Formula language window, it can detect the Notes and Open formula. You must enter the @ character before the formula in NotesFormula and enter the = character before the formula in OpenFormula.

    Upon typing your formula, the intellisence will appear and return the syntax, descriptions, and examples of your chosen formula.

    You can see automatically the JavaScript code with the formula you type in the Formula Language window.

    Formula Language window

    You can also see the result upon clicking the Results button.

    Formula Results window

  3. Click Save.

Use VoltFormula in a Controller module

Add formula in a controller

  1. Open a controller on Project Explorer.
  2. Select and open your controller. This opens the code window.
  3. Right-click the code window and select Add Code from Formula. The Formula Language window appear.

    Selecting Add Code from Formula

  4. Add the code in the Formula Language window.


    • @ character for NotesFormula
    • = character for OpenFormula
    • You can see the code hinting or the IntelliSense for the formula that you choose.
    • Each formula is accompanied by its category.
    • If you don't know how to convert the JavaScript in Volt MX Go rosettajs from OpenFormula and NotesFormula, you may use the Formula Language window to do so.

    Add code in Formula Language window

    The code you enter in Formula Language is translated to autogenerated RosettaJS code in the code window.

    Translated Formula Language

Edit formula in a controller

  1. Open a controller on Project Explorer.
  2. Select and open your controller. This opens the code window.


    You can see the conversion formula that comes from the OpenFormula and NotesFormula inbetween the comment of rosetta autogenerated code.

    autogenerated code

  3. Right-click the existing code and select Edit Formula Code. The Formula Language window appear and you can see the existing formula in the Formula Language window.

    Edit Formula

  4. You can edit the code you want in the Formula Language window.


    • @ character for NotesFormula
    • = character for OpenFormula
    • You can see the code hinting or the IntelliSense for the formula that you choose.
    • Each formula is accompanied by its category.
    • If you don't know how to convert the JavaScript in Volt MX Go RosettaJS from OpenFormula and NotesFormula, you may use the Formula Language window to do so.
    • You can add or edit code in the formula language window as long as you follow the syntax.
    • You can add more than one line of code.

    Formula Language editor


    • The code you enter in Formula Language is translated to autogenerated RosettaJS code in the code window.
    • You can also see the result in Formula Results tab.

    Formula Language editor

Edit Rosetta JavaScript

  1. Open a controller on Project Explorer.
  2. Select and open your controller. This opens the code window.


    You can see the conversion formula that comes from the OpenFormula and Notes Formula inbetween the comment of rosetta autogenerated code.

    autogenerated code

  3. Add your formula in rosettajs in the code window, or edit the existing formula in the code window without opening the Formula Language window.


    • When you add rosetta JavaScript, you'll be able see the code hinting or the IntelliSense for the formula that you choose in code window.
    • Make sure you know the syntax for coding the rosetta JavaScript.

    Edit Rosetta JS
