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Design Import tutorial


The information in this document is based on Volt MX Go version 2.0.4, Domino REST API version 1.0.14, and Domino server version 14.0.1.

This tutorial will walk you through the Design Import process in Volt MX Go. With the Volt MX Go Iris client, you can import a Domino database .nsf file, bringing its design elements into Volt MX Go. This feature helps you import the Domino database .nsf from Domino REST API and make it available on mobile apps and responsive desktop apps.

The tutorial implements two user experiences:

  • mobile app
  • responsive desktop app

Before you begin


If you are granted access to any of the following roles: Volt MX Go Foundry admin, Domino REST API admin, or the Volt MX Go Iris developer, please follow the specific instructions for each user.

For Volt MX Go Foundry admin

  • You must complete the Volt MX Go installation.

  • You must create a Volt MX Go Foundry admin account to the Volt MX Go Iris developer.

For Domino REST API admin

  • You have completed the Domino REST API installation.

  • You have at least an Editor access to the Domino Keep Configuration database keepconfig.nsf to create a scope and Domino REST API application.

  • You have set up Domino REST API with a specified Domino database .nsf, schema, scopes, and application.

  • When you configure the schema, set the views to Active status.

  • When you configure the schema, include the $Files field in the configured form. This is to capture the uploading and downloading of files in the Design Import. For more information, see step numer 3 in Change form configuration.

  • When you configure the schema, set the Mode Formula Settings → Formula for Delete Access to @True in default and dql mode in all the schema forms. For more information, see step number 5 in Change form configuration.

  • When you configure the schema, add the default and dql modes and must have a matching fields. For more information, see Cloning modes.

  • When you configure scope, the scope name must be limited to 30 characters.

  • When you configure the scopes, set the Maximum Access Level to Designer or Manager ACL role. For more information, see Add a scope in Domino REST API.

  • When you configure your Domino REST API app, it's mandatory to add $SETUP to Scope field. For more information, see Application Management.

  • Provide the Domino REST API URL, Client ID, Client Secret and scope to the Volt MX Go Iris developer from your Domino REST API app.

For Volt MX Go Iris Developer

  • You must install Volt MX Go Iris.

  • You must have a Volt MX Go Foundry admin account.

  • You must have at least a Designer role to the Domino database .nsf that you are importing and to the Domino Keep Configuration Database (keepconfig.nsf).
  • You must have your Domino REST API URL, Client ID, Client Secret and scope which comes from the Domino REST API admin.

Launch Volt MX Go Iris

  1. Open Volt MX Go Iris. When the Sign-in dialog opens, close it.


    If you have already configured the login settings while performing the other tutorials, enter your email and password for Volt MX Go Foundry on the Sign in to your account page and click Sign In. You don't need to execute the steps below for configuring the login settings and logging in.

  2. Configure the login settings.

    1. Go to Preferences.

      For Windows, select EditPreferences.

      For Mac, depending on your macOS, select Volt MX Go IrisPreferences or Settings.

    2. On the Volt MX Go Iris Preferences dialog, click Volt MX Go Foundry.

    3. On the Volt MX Go Foundry tab, enter your Volt MX Go Foundry URL in the Foundry URL text box, and then click Validate.

    4. Click Done.


    If the Foundry URL is incorrect, a prompt error will appear.

  3. Log in to Volt MX Go Iris.

    1. Click Login on the upper right corner of the Volt MX Go Iris screen.
    2. Enter your email and password for Volt MX Go Foundry on the Sign in to your account page.
    3. Click Sign In. Your username appears next to the profile icon.

Create a new project

  1. On the top menu, select ProjectNew Project.
  2. On the What do you want to start with now? dialog, select Web App and click Next. For other platforms, please see Native App.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

  3. On the Which device size do you want to start building for first? dialog, select Desktop for Web App and click Next.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

  4. Enter your Project Name and click Create.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

You can now see your project name in the upper-left corner of the Volt MX Go Iris UI.

Volt MX Go Iris user interface

Import a Domino Application using a new Volt MX Go Foundry app

  1. On the top menu, select ProjectImportDomino Application. The VoltMX Design Import Wizard opens.

  2. On Getting Started, click Next.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

  3. On Associate Foundry App step, click Create New.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

    The default name is the same as your Project Name.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

  4. On Identity Service.

    For New Idenity Service, be sure to have your Domino REST API URL, Scope, Client ID, and Client Secret from the Domino REST API admin.

    1. Enter the required details in the Create New Identity Service and click Next.

      Fields Description
      Domino REST API URL This refers to the Domino REST API URL you are working with. You must enter your respective Domino REST API URL.
      Scope This is the name of your configured scope described in your App of Domino REST API app management. $DATA scope show all the scopes in your App in Domino REST API.
      Client ID This is the App ID of your Application in Domino REST API app management. Once you configured and added your App, you may see your App ID and your App Secret.
      Client Secret This is the App Secret in Domino REST API app management. Once you configured and added your App, you may see your App ID and your App Secret.
      Service Name: Any name that identifies the Volt MX Go Foundry Identity Services.

      Design Import Wizard dialog

    2. Select the Identity Service - for example, MXGOISMyApp.

      Design Import Wizard dialog


      • It's important to get your callback URL in Volt MX Go Foundry and send it to Domino REST API admin. Form more information. see copy callback URL in Volt MX Go Foundry. Be sure that your Domino REST API admin updated the callback URL in your Domino REST API application immediately without closing the wizard.
    3. Click Next.

    4. Login with your Domino credentials within this wizard dialog and click Allow.

      Domino REST API permission request dialog

    5. Select your Foundry App Identity Service name associated to Domino REST API and click Next.

      Design Import Wizard dialog


      The wizard expects to stop if your login credentials don't have Designer access in Domino REST API on your scope, or if your Domino database ACL doesn't give you a Designer role. For more information, see Troubleshooting.

  5. On Scope and Forms


    In this Volt MX Go 2.0.4 version, actions imported as inactive buttons.

    1. Select the scope that you’ve configured in Domino REST API.


      The scope name should be no more than 30 characters. If it exceeds this limit, a prompt will appear. In this case, contact your Domino REST API admin to configure your scope. Please take note of the prerequisites required for importing Domino Application.

      Design Import Wizard dialog

      When a Domino REST API Issues Report prompt appears, check Domino REST API schema issues.

    2. Select or deselect the active forms, fields in each form, views, agents, actions and click Next.


      • The following lists show the forms, views and action you have active and inactive in the Domino REST API. When selecting items, you can only choose those that are active, such as forms, views, agents, and actions. Inactive items on the other hand, only display their disabled form, action, and agent names.
      • These actions, which are basically buttons, can be added to your imported app. These actions are often active within the Domino database .nsf and can only be modified in the Domino Designer.
      1. On the Forms tab, you may select or deselect form, field within forms and actions.

        Design Import Wizard dialog

      2. On the Views tab, you may select or deselect views and actions.

        Design Import Wizard dialog

      3. On the Agents tab, you may select or deselect agents.

        Design Import Wizard dialog

    Follow this link to learn more on showing Domino Agents as part of the Design Import app

  6. On Summary, review the final forms, fields in each form, views and agent, and then click Build Iris Application.


    It may take a while to complete the publishing of the imported Domino app.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

  7. On Result, see the final forms, views, actions,agent and then click Done.


    • The check mark icon beside each of the forms, fields from the forms, views and agents means that it was successfully created.
    • The warning icon beside each of the forms, fields from the forms, views and agents means that the supported property values doesn't match with the Volt MX Go Iris app property values.

    • Turn on the Show only error toggle to see all the fields with the error icon.

    • When selecting a scope with active Agents, the Agents tab appears. Otherwise, the AppForms tab is displayed.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

Once you click Done, each of the selected forms, views, and agents are imported into Volt MX Go Iris through the use of forms. The App Events [desktop] appears.

Volt MX Go Iris UI


  • You can view the final result of the Domino database .nsf that you configured in Domino REST API.
  • You can click the link click here to view logs on a separate window to see the summarized forms, views, agents and app forms.

Import a Domino Application using existing identity service from existing Volt MX Go Foundry app

  1. On the top menu, select ProjectImportDomino Application. The VoltMX Design Import Wizard opens.
  2. On Getting Started, click Next.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

  3. On Associate Foundry App step:

    1. Click Use Existing.

      Design Import Wizard dialog

    2. Select Foundry Apps, click Associate and close the form.

      Design Import Wizard dialog

    3. Click Next.

      Design Import Wizard dialog


      • If you have an existing Domino Application Project on your UI and you want to import and associate it with another Volt MX Go Foundry app, click the Unlink App.
      • There is a prompt to delete the Foundry App, click delete. This unlinks the Volt MX Go Foundry App and returns to selecting Create New or Use Existing
  4. On Identity Service, select existing identity service.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

    1. Select the identity service - for example, MXGOISMyApp.

      Design Import Wizard dialog


      • It's important to get your callback URL in Volt MX Go Foundry and send it to Domino REST API admin. Form more information. see copy callback URL in Volt MX Go Foundry. Be sure that your Domino REST API admin updated the callback URL in your Domino REST API application immediately without closing the wizard. Otherwise, the wizard will close.
    2. Click Next.

    3. Login with your Domino credentials within this wizard dialog and click Allow.

      Domino REST API permission request dialog

    4. Select your App Identity Service name associated to Domino REST API and click Next.

      Design Import Wizard dialog


      The wizard expects to stop if your login credentials don't have Designer access in Domino REST API on your scope, or if your Domino database ACL doesn't give you a Designer role. For more information, see Troubleshooting

  5. On Scope and Forms


    In this Volt MX Go 2.0.4 version, actions will be imported as inactive buttons.

    1. Select the scope that you’ve configured in Domino REST API.


      The scope name should be no more than 30 characters. If it exceeds this limit, a prompt will appear. In this case, contact your Domino REST API admin to configure your scope. Please take note of the prerequisites required for importing Domino Application.

      Design Import Wizard dialog

      When a Domino REST API Issues Report prompt appears, check Domino REST API schema issues.

    2. Select or deselect the active forms, views, agents and actions and click Next.


      • The following lists show the forms, views and action you have active and inactive in the Domino REST API. When selecting items, you can only choose those that are active, such as forms, views, agents, and actions. Inactive items, on the other hand, only display their disabled form, action, and agent names.
      • These actions, which are basically buttons, can be added to your imported app. These actions are often configured within the Domino database .nsf and can only be modified in the Domino Designer.
      1. On the Forms tab, you may select or deselect form, field within forms and actions.

        Forms tab

      2. On the Views tab, you may select or deselect views and actions.

        Views tab

      3. On the Agents tab, you may select or deselect agents.

        Agents tab

      Follow this link to learn more on showing Domino Agents as part of the Design Import app.

  6. On Summary, review the final forms, views and agents you want to import, and then click Build Iris Application.


    • It may take a while to complete the publishing of the imported Domino app.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

  7. On Result, see the final forms, views, actions and agents, and then click Done.


    When selecting a scope with active Agents, the Agents tab appears. Otherwise, the AppForms tab is displayed.

    Design Import Wizard dialog

Once you click Done, each of the selected forms, views, and agents have imported into the Volt MX Go Iris. The App Events [desktop] appears.

Volt MX Go Iris user interface

Copy callback URL in Volt MX Go Foundry

  1. Login to the Volt MX Go Foundry.
  2. On the Home page, select and click your Volt MX Go Foundry App.
  3. On the Configure Services tabIdentity tab, select and click your Identity Service name.
  4. Find and click copy of Callback URL field.

    Callback URL field

  5. Send the callback URL to Domino REST API admin.

    The Domino REST API admin updates the Domino Application callback URL in Domino Application.


    You may continue the procedure in step 4.b in the Import a Domino Application using the new Volt MX Go Foundry app. If the wizard was terminated, you may proceed with Import a Domino Application using existing identity service from existing Volt MX Go Foundry app.

CRUD operation upon importing the Domino database .nsf

Published the web app and native app in Volt MX Go Iris

  • Before you can do the CRUD operation in your imported Domino app, you must first build and publish the web and native app in Volt MX Go Iris.

  • Log in to your account in Domino REST API using the newly published imported Domino application. Your configuration in Domino REST API decides what operations you can include in the design import form. All the views, agents,forms of your Domino database .nsf have been imported, so you can design your Domino database .nsf file with CRUD operation.

  • The Native App (mobile and tablet) and the Web App (responsive desktop) have the same capability of doing the CRUD operation.

Create entry

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Forms section and click your preferred document. (example: NewCustomers).


  2. Fill in the fields.

  3. Click Select Files to upload a file. Keep in mind that this step only applies to fields that need you to upload an attachment. The File Upload appears only if the schema included the $Files field in the configuration of Domino REST API.

    1. Select the file you want to upload. You can select more than one file to upload.


      To see the details of uploading size limit, see HCL Notes and DOMINO file limits in the HCL Domino documentation.

    2. Click Open. If the file is pre-existing, a dialog prompt appears with the option to overwrite it.

  4. Click Add. This adds the data to the Domino database .nsf file.


Viewing data

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Views section and click your preferred document -for example: AllCustomers_Lead.


  2. This will open the AllCustomers_Lead's document page. Go to your preferred AllCustomers_Lead and click View.


  3. This will open the AllCustomers_Lead's detail. Select the Download All Attachments link. Files will be downloaded.


    • You can download the attachments in your document-for example AllCustomers_Lead's detail. You can download the attachment if the $File is configured in your Domino REST API Database Views.
    • You can also see here the Delete and Edit button.

Update data

  1. On the Dashboard, go to the Views section, click your preferred document - for example: AllCustomers_Lead.


  2. In the Dashboard/AllCustomers_Leads page, search the customer, click the name and select Edit.


    If the detail view DOESN'T show, check the Database Views in Domino Rest API under schema, to confirm that the Database View is active and the columns in the view are added during the import.



    You may also see the delete button here, which allows you to erase or remove the data you've selected.

  3. Edit the fields that you want to modify.

  4. Click Select Files to add a new file. The uploaded file will show below the Select Files button. Keep in mind that this step only applies to fields that need you to upload an attachment.

    1. Select the file you want to upload. You can select more than one file to upload.


      To see the details of uploading size limit, see HCL Notes and DOMINO file limits.

    2. Click Open. If the file is pre-existing, a dialog prompt will appear with the option to overwrite it.

    Update form

  5. Click Save.

Delete entry


Before you delete any of the data, you must set Formula for Delete Access to @True in default and dql mode during your schema configuration.

  1. On the Dashboard, go to the Views section, click your preferred document -for example: AllCustomers_Leads.


  2. In the Dashboard/AllCustomers_Leads page, find the row corresponding to the customer and select the Delete option.


    There is a confirmation message box to confirm the deletion of data, click OK.


    Another pop-up message box appears.



Since changes to the form are reflected in the Domino Server, they're also visible in the Notes Client.