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What's new in Volt MX Go v2.0.2

Release date: November 16, 2023

New features

Design Import

  • Uploading and downloading attachments in Domino applications are now enabled through Design Import as Domino REST API allows configuration of the $FILES field.
  • Domino applications can now be imported into Native Mobile and Tablet applications.
  • The configuration of a single scope is now possible in the Identity Service of the Design Import wizard.



  • Volt IQ capabilities are now functional in Volt MX Go. For more information, see Volt IQ in the HCL Volt MX documentation.

  • You can now build Windows and macOS Desktop applications with the latest release of Volt MX Go.

Domino Adapter

  • Summernote Editor is automatically applied on Rich Text fields of CREATE and UPDATE forms when generating CRUD forms for Object Service.


  • Implemented the following updates to the Rosetta API Reference Documentation:

    • Updated list category.
    • Updated text category.
    • Updated date-time category.
    • Updated user-environment category.
    • Updated Object object support for VoltMx framework.
    • Added documentation for database and service methods under the API category for Volt MX Go-based APIs.
    • Implemented updates on package-lock.json to include the new converter.
    • Added documentation for the compatibility methods layer.
    • Implemented use of latest converters that have a restructured usage of JS Native.
    • Implemented offline object support for VoltMX framework.
  • Supports native JavaScript when using OpenFormula.

Resolved issues

Domino Adapter

  • An updated document wasn't displayed on the Details form, and updates were reflected on the first document of the NSF file due to the empty filter query parameter on one of the Service Action objects on the Details form. The issue was encountered for forms without the $FILES Domino field.

Design Import

  • There was an unnecessary Form1 after import completion.
  • The scope can't be reloaded after performing Domino REST API modifications.
  • Import crashed or stopped responding when there were duplicate form and field names, or there was a lack of array for forms, fields, views, and agents.


Rosetta API

  • An issue occurred when generating definitions for custom API extensions.
  • Replace Notes function wasn't providing accurate results when multiple instances used the same replacement values.

Rosetta Converter

  • Issues occurred with date-time conversion parameters when using the @Explode formula function. 
  • The = sign was removed during OpenFormula conversion. 
  • An issue occurred with the SELECT conversion.



  • Removed the App Dev API Framework and App Dev Target Context from the Rosetta configuration file.
  • Removed the Rosetta event.
  • Removed the SelectDocuments API from the Rosetta and Notes functions.
  • Notes formula functions @Transform() and @Sort() undergo additional processing during conversion in Rosetta Converters.