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What's new in Volt MX Go v2.0.3

Release date: May 2, 2024

New features

Domino Adapter

  • Added BULK UPDATE method that enables updating an existing collection of documents by replacing only the specified fields in those documents.

    For more information, see Methods (Verbs).

Design Import

  • Supports importing Formula Language and bringing it into VoltFormula (client side).
  • Validates forms and fields to be imported and informs the user of possible reasons why the forms and fields might not work as expected in the generated application and what actions to take.
  • Provides users with access to reports related to validation issues to give them more detailed information.
  • Imports Agents (server side) and Actions (client side) for use inside of a Volt MX Go Iris generated app.
  • Supports importing Domino applications into tablet native applications.


  • Implemented new APIs for the text, date-time, formula, document, user-environment, logical, and information categories.

    For more details, see the Rosetta API reference documentation.

  • Implemented Notes math operators as callable APIs.

  • Added a new formula evaluation results tab panel that displays formula outputs.

Volt MX Go Iris

  • Supports integration of VoltFormula in imported Domino application views.
  • Disabled VoltFormula for non-JavaScript code.


Domino Adapter

  • Supports uploading and downloading of attachments up to 1 GB in size via Volt MX Go Foundry binary APIs.

    For more information, see Attachments.

  • Summernote Editor, which is automatically applied on Rich Text fields of CREATE and UPDATE forms when generating CRUD forms for Object Service, now supports inserting attachments.

    For more information, see Insert attachments via Summernote Editor.

Design Import

  • Enhances user experience by providing more information related to the import process at different steps of the Design Import Wizard.
  • Supports Hierarchical View in imported Domino applications.
  • Improvements in Rich Text import introduced with Domino Adapter enhancements.
  • Added an option in the Design Import Wizard for deleting existing forms.

    For more information, see Delete existing forms while using the Design Import wizard.

  • Added a refresh feature in the Design Import Wizard to update the scope in case there are changes in the Domino REST API schema without exiting the wizard.


Rosetta API

  • Simplified use of different Date types and provides dateOrDateList support for date, string, number, error, and arrays.
  • Added Intellisense definitions for the Set Notes function for formula category APIs.
  • Updated operation APIs to accept infinite operands.
  • Updated math operation to adjust Dates during math operations from milliseconds to seconds.
  • Implemented the following improvement modifications:

    Category Description
    date-time - Supports Domino time zones for timeMerge() API.
    - Updated yesterday() and tomorrow() to return date only.
    - Updated date() to accept milliseconds for internal call.
    text - Updated abstract() to throw NPTI.
    - Added format support for text().
    document - Supported NOSORT option for prompt().
    - Added excludeMIMEBody parameter for attachments() and attachmentNames().
    formula - Updated eval() to detect valid return position both for async function.
  • Implemented improvements in error handling and fixes in the formula API implementations.

Rosetta Converter

  • Implemented Formula to JavaScript conversion improvements in the areas of async usage, anonymous functions, parameter groupings, and variable definitions.
  • Implemented improvements in the conversion handling definition rules for converting formula functions into native JavaScript versus API calls.

    For more information, see VoltFormula options in the Volt MX Go Iris Project Settings dialog.

  • Rosetta sample formulas are now part of the converters.

  • Supports passthrough setting in OpenFormula.
  • Supports OpenFormula parameter separator semicolon.
  • Supports Notes Formula date format having colon or dash.
  • Supports Notes Formula time format having milliseconds.
  • Supports chained assignments.
  • Validates formula name existence.
  • Converts Notes formula @Set and @Length, and Open formula =LET to JavaScript statement.
  • Passed param for @IsAvailable and @IsUnavailable as string.
  • Converts Notes operators to Rosetta APIs.
  • Moved variable definition inside Notes formula to function scope.
  • Made native js to anonymous function by condition and removed nativeness check for do, while, doWhile, and for.
  • Cleanup variable definition conversion mixed with var and let to var.
  • Converts openformula specific operators such as &,^,<>.
  • Converts the same operations to one api call with multiple parameters
  • @DocChildren, @DocDescendants, @Eval, @Name, @Responses to async list.


  • Provides sample formulas for Volt MX Go Iris using formulas from the converters.
  • Improved Volt MX Go Iris VoltFormula plugin (mbaas_sdk_rosetta) loading and logging process.

Volt MX Go Iris

  • Logs more details using Debug and Info log channels that focus on plugin inspection and download processes, resulting in improved plugin download logging and recovery.
  • Enhanced the formula and JavaScript type-ahead (IntelliSense) capabilities within Volt MX Go Iris IDE.
  • Updated VoltPrompt components with ability to bypass user interaction notification dialogs.

Resolved issues

Design Import

  • The UNID field was shown in the Update form after import.
  • Some fields in the Update form had missing data after import.
  • An issue occurred in the Design Import Wizard since the number of characters in the Object Service name exceeded the limitation.


  • On the Action Editor in Volt MX Go Iris, the Add Formula action was shown for the Apple Watch channel even though JavaScript wasn't supported.

Rosetta API

  • Fixed examples in Notes formula documentation.
  • Fixed Tern definition for Notes Date function.
  • Fixed Adjust() to calculate date adjustments the way Notes does adjustments, that's right to left adjustments.
  • Fixed TimeMerge API time portion parsing.
  • For date-time category, fixed how Adjust was handling leap years
  • For text category, fixed AbstractSimple support for RichText fields.
  • For text category, fixed how TimeToTextInZone determines yesterday.
  • For date-time category, fixed how Zone handles no arguments.
  • For miscellaneous category, fixed SetEnvironment to return void.
  • For database utilities category, implemented fix to fetch the view documents when setCurrentDocument is called.

Rosetta Converter

  • Fixed @Environment bug for having one parameter.
  • Fixed curly bracket comment and return statement.
  • Fixed Notes formula token rule for square bracket.
  • Fixed OpenInNewWindow Command category.
  • Fixed @Eval conversion having space in parenthesis.


Domino Adapter

Design Import

  • Updated the Design Import tutorial to incorporate enhancements in the Design Import Wizard.

  • Updated Troubleshooting to include Domino REST API schema issues and resolutions related to validating forms and fields to be imported using Design Import Wizard.


VoltScript Early Access

The Early Access v2 release of VoltScript is now available and features a new VoltScript Extension for manipulating XML documents, XMLVSE, many improvements for existing VSEs and VSCode extensions, and a preview of an interactive debugger for VoltScript.

To learn more about the Early Access v2 release of VoltScript and related components, see VoltScript Documentation.