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Test Helpers

We use a set of helpers to make the testing easier:

  • Mockito is used to copy objects see Testing.

  • Custom annotations: @UnitTest, @IntegrationTest and @PerformanceTest
  • Class KeepTestUtils: is used to retrieve the test specific sources.
  • Classes TestSubscriberGeneric, TestSubscriberJson is used in Assertions when extending the AbstractAsycDomino

Use of TestSubscriberJson

As example for the whole set of TestSubscribers, the TestSubscriber can be used to expect success or error from the specific function under test. Expected outcomes are added fluently to the test subscriber. Not all combinations makes sense.

TestSubscriberJson subscriber = new TestSubscriberJson();

Sets the subscriber receiving the events that the class generates from interacting with the database. Could be and EventbusResponseSubscriber or a SubTaskor a KeepTestSubscriber. And subscriber is used to set the subscriber.


Testing failure

There are at least three methods to indicate an expected failure.

Function to capture expectFailure() to failing UnitTest that throw Exceptions

/*```java subscriber.expectFailure(true);

subscriber.expectFailure(KeepException.class, this.request, this.getJsonParams());

Expectation is that the code under test will call the onError() function and not onComplete() without further specifying why the test fails if onComplete() runs.


Expectation that onError() gets called with a specific error class. Test fails if a different error is raised or onComplete() runs.

subscriber.errorMessage("A specific error message")

Expectation that onError() is called and the error has the specified message. Fails if the message is different or onComplete() runs.

Testing success

There are various switches to test success. By default a TestSubscriber expects onComplete() to run and not onError().


Expect exactly seven calls to onNext() and one call to onComplete(), will fail with less or more calls


Expect two or more calls to onNext() and one call to onComplete(), will fail with less calls. Typical use with 1 to ensure at least one result is returned.


Expect zero, one or two calls to onNext() and one call to onComplete(), will fail with more calls.


When set a call to onNext() can be an empty object {}. If not set onNext("{}") fails.


Expect every call to onNext() contains a JSON element with the given field names, no assertion on data type is made.


Adds expected JSON objects for the first and second call to onNext()fails if other values arrive. Exact behavior can be tuned using additional methods:


Ignore additional fields returned in a onNext() call. Just check that fields specified in addFieldsToExist() and/or addexpectedValue()are present.


Specified by: process(…) in AsyncDominoBase Provide all the parameters for a successful callto the process() method all database calls rely on and returns the parameters.
