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Configuration parameters


Project KEEP comes with reasonable default configuration settings. They allow you to start evaluating and testing out-of-the-box. For an actual deployment, you want to understand the details as outlined here.

Understanding configuration

The configuration follows the concept of and Overlay File System, where the base configuration is retrieved from the jar file and then overlaid with all the JSON files (if present) in the keepconfig.d directory within the Notes data directory and finally, the environment parameters, if any of those exist.


Parameters are case sensitive

Parameter Description
PORT : 8880 HTTP(S) port for the KEEP service.
ADMINPORT : 8889 HTTP Port for the Admin listener. It should not be reachable from outside.
METRICSPORT: 8890 Endpoint for Prometheus Metrics.
GodeMode: true/false Should local users in KeepConfig be recognized.
JwtDuration Lifetime in minutes for the internal JWT provider. Default value is 60mins.
JwtMaxDuration Maximum lifetime in minutes that the JWT tokens get accepted.
DEBUG: true/false Debug mode. Creates more console output.
PEMCert if your TLS is PEM format (e.g. LetsEncrypt), the path to the certificate file.
TLSFile TLS file with key for jks, pem or pfx.
TLSPassword password for jks and pfx key file.
shutdownkey passphrase for posting to http://localhost:adminport/shutdown to shut down KEEP.

Configuration retrieval

The current configuration can be retrieved (with sensitive information masked) on the management port: e.g.