Welcome to HCL Domino REST API documentation
HCL Domino REST API provides a secure REST API with access to HCL Domino servers and databases while running on HCL Domino and HCL Notes on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Designed to re-establish Domino as a world class, modern, standards-compliant, cloud native and enterprise-level collaboration platform, it adds contemporary REST APIs to Notes and Domino, enabling a modern programming experience with the tools of your choice. For more information, see Introducing Domino REST API.
Click the topics in the image to learn more.
What's new
For the latest release information about HCL Domino REST API, see What's new.
To know features that have been deprecated in the current and earlier releases, see deprecated features.
Get a first idea what you are dealing with by Understanding how the Domino REST API works
If you want to start quickly, go to Quickstart.
For installation information, see Installation and configuration.
For everything that admin needs to know, use the Admin cheat sheet.
Trouble running the Domino REST API? Use the Troubleshooting guide.
Ol' Notes hands start here
Are you coming from a Notes client with a Domino server background? You never had to deal with certificates, JSON Web Token, multiple TCP ports, OAuth, and all the fancy new terms of a shiny new web world. We got you covered, read the primer to get started
API definitions now available
The OpenAPI definitions, rendering using ReDoc, are now available in the References. Depending on your server configuration, not all endpoints will be active.
How the documentation is organized
The HCL Domino REST API documentation is based on the Diátaxis framework, which organizes documentation into the following modes to address users' documentation needs at different times and in different circumstances. Below shows an overview that guides you on where to look for needed information:
Tutorials - Hands-on introduction to HCL Domino REST API
How-to guides - Practical step-by-step guides for performing tasks and operation
Topic guides - Discussion and explanation of key topics and concepts to give background information
References - Technical references and descriptions on using HCL Domino REST API
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