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Understanding Project KEEP

KEEP is the middleware connecting Notes & Domino to a contemporary REST like API consuming and producing mostly JSON data. Each element has its own set op properties, you might call them quirks, that required considerations and decisions. After all, designing functionality is balancing tradeoffs between competing approaches

Understanding KEEP

A Note can contain ANYTHING, an API shouldn’t

A document note (a.k.a a document) in a Notes database can contain any number of items (colloquial referred to as fields - which is actually inaccurate) that are fully self contained, describing their datatype, cardinality (single value, multi-value) and content. There is no fix relationship to any form containing defining fields.

By convention documents contain an item with the name Form pointing to what the document tentatively might contain. Tentative! The document might not contain items for each field in the referred form, might contain items (created by actions, agents or external code ) without a matching field in the form or items which don’t match the data type of the field definition.

Furthermore a document might be viewed with different forms and/or change the value of its form item during its lifetime

These free for all capabilities are not very suitable to be exposed in an API. An API that states “You will get something JSON, but we can’t tell what”, is of limited use. Therefore we considered how to define the shape of data to expose. Our initial approach was to just use the form design at runtime, but found this too limiting. Now the Scope and Schema management UI (a.k.a. AdminUI) uses form design as input for a schema definition that is close to JSON Schema. Our resulting decisions/constrains are:

  • We use the value of the form item to link a document to 1:n schemas
  • Documents without a form item are not available in the API, but can contribute to views/forms
  • If a form item value has no matching schema definition, it is not available in the UI
  • There are 1:n schemas for any enabled “form”. In KEEP they are referred to as mode or formMode
  • You can create a schema for an non-existing form using the API. This is valid since we use the value of a document’s form item rather than the form itself
  • Which mode is available to a given user is determined by an @Formula that can include item values, UserName, Groups and roles for its computation. This allows to map permissions and workflows on an API level
  • Reading and writing coerces note item values into the ones defined in the schema. Multi-value fields are delivered as array, while single values as scalar, regardless of item content.

Security is declared, not computed

Notes’ security uses ACL entries and special item types Reader, Name and Author to define access permissions. Since this is near and dear to all applications, the API needs to support this:

  • the schema’s format containing values like date-time or int64 got extended to include readers, names, authors and richtext. This allows for appropriate data mappings
  • JSON’s binary data type is mapped to 0 and 1

Who are you? It depends

Domino provides its own source of identity, the Domino directory. However this is not the only option in use in customer environments. Furthermore, applications need to access data on your behalf. To accomodate this KEEP uses JTW tokens, defined scopes and an OAuth 2.0 compliant authorization service:

  • Authorization is provided using a JWT token defining permitted scope and user identity
  • Direct login is provided for users, it can be deactivated
  • 3rd party JWT can be configured to be trusted, so your corporate IdP can be used to issue valid JWT
  • The API allows to configure OAuth applications providing client_id and client_secret to empower user authorizing API access to a defined scope
  • the management (8889), metrics (8890) and healthcheck (8886) endpoints use identities that are stored in identities : { ... } in KEEP’s configuration. Out of the box none are configured

Databases, schemas and scopes

Databases schema and scopes

  • A database contains 1:n schema files in its design file resources
  • Each schema contains 0:n form definitions (0 if you only want to read view/folder data)
  • Each form definition contains 1:n modes. The first mode is called default which is used on document creation
  • When using ODATA access, a mode odata is required
  • The field definitions are based on JSON schema
  • Each schema in an NSF database can be mapped to one or more scopes in the directory
  • the scope is the name used in ?dataSource= as public access name. You shouldn’t change scope names after they get used. You however can change which schema they map to any time
  • each scope can be mapped to one schema at a time
  • Each oauth app can store multiple scopes it wants to access. Created by admin, not by the calling application
  • In the OAuth cycle, if an application requests an undefined scope or an unknown callback, the request gets denied


Before diving into details, a quick trip down the IT history lane. RichText (RTF) was specified by Microsoft in 1987. Notes/Domino uses a similar specification. It is essentially a container format designed to host plain text, formatted text, images, attachments, embedded objects and layout information. It is white space sensitive, a fancy term for: being able to “format” something by hitting the space key repeateatly.

The container formats today that resemble these capabilities are ECMA-376 (ISO/IEC-29500) (a.k.a Office Open XML), ISO/IEC 26300:2006 (a.k.a Open Document Format), which are both XML based and MIME (RFC 1341) which is widely used in eMail. The XML formats, mainly used in word processors aren’t native to the web, while MIME doesn’t prescribe (it is multipurpose after all) its content parts and isn’t native to web browsers.

Based on this mismatch of source and target environment we designed your option dealing with RichText in KEEP


  • Domino developer: creates the schema that defines what data can be accessed in a nsf database
  • Domino administrator: creates and activates the scope that defines how the data can be accessed. Also creates (optional) OAuth compatible applications with client_id and client_secret properties
  • VoltMX administrator: configures Volt MX’s foundry middleware to interact with KEEP using the foundry KEEP adapter
  • Application developer: develops applications leveraging KEEP Endpoints, VoltMX services and front-end tools like VoltMX Iris, VSCode or any tools and framework of choice

Read more about them in KEEP Roles

On the todo list

We are not done yet:

  • Schema doctor comparing schema to form to flag inconsistencies
  • Form / document scan: check if documents contain edge cases
  • More options of the JSON schema