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Update FirstTouchRecipes.nsf


This applies only when you install Volt MX Go in a development or test-only environment, which was only available until Volt MX Go v2.0.4.

About this task

Guides you in manually updating your Domino container if you obtain a new version of the Domino database FirstTouchRecipes.nsf.


  1. Uninstall the First Touch app from Volt MX Go Foundry.

  2. Identify the name of the Domino container by running the following command:

    kubectl get pods -n mxgo

    You should see an output similar to the following:

    NAME                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    drapi-6949c45b8-wghbz                        3/3     Running     0          8d
    mysql-0                                      1/1     Running     0          8d
    foundry-db-update-zn5vg                      0/1     Completed   0          7d23h
    voltmx-foundry-apiportal-c874cb6d-l2k8h      1/1     Running     0          7d22h
    voltmx-foundry-integration-76dc89b57-qmq2t   1/1     Running     0          7d22h
    voltmx-foundry-identity-85f9854f8b-n6b2d     1/1     Running     0          7d22h
    voltmx-foundry-console-664c75c6b5-8lm6v      1/1     Running     0          7d22h

    From the example, the name of the Domino pod is drapi-6949c45b8-wghbz.

  3. Copy the new FirstTouchRecipes.nsf file into the Domino container by running the following:


    kubectl cp FirstTouchRecipes.nsf <Domino pod name>:/tmp/FirstTouchRecipes.nsf -c drapi


    kubectl cp FirstTouchRecipes.nsf drapi-6949c45b8-wghbz:/tmp/FirstTouchRecipes.nsf -c drapi
  4. Exec into the Domino container by running the following:


    kubectl exec -it <Domino pod name> -c drapi -- bash


    kubectl exec -it drapi-6949c45b8-wghbz -c drapi -- bash

    You should get a shell prompt similar to this:

    [hcl@drapi-6949c45b8-wghbz ~]$


    The succeeding steps involve executing commands from within this container shell. Make sure you run the commands at this new shell prompt. If you get disconnected, run the kubectl exec -it command again.

  5. Update your path environment variable by running the following command:

    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/nashcom/startscript/
  6. Issue a request to stop Domino by running the following command:

    rc_domino_script stop

    You should see something like this for output:

    Using Domino config File [/etc/sysconfig/rc_domino_config]
    Stopping Domino for xLinux (hcl)
    KEEP started in task mode, no pre_shutdown action required
    ... waiting for shutdown to complete
    ... waiting 10 seconds
    ... waiting 20 seconds
    KEEP started in task mode, no post_shutdown action required
    Domino stopped (27 sec)
    Domino for xLinux (hcl) shutdown completed
    [hcl@drapi-6949c45b8-wghbz ~]$
  7. Rename original First Touch database and copy in the new database file:

    mv /local/notesdata/FirstTouchRecipes.nsf  /local/notesdata/FirstTouchRecipes.nsf.original
    mv /tmp/FirstTouchRecipes.nsf  /local/notesdata/FirstTouchRecipes.nsf

  8. Restart Domino by running the following command:

    rc_domino_script start

    The output should indicate:

    Using Domino config File [/etc/sysconfig/rc_domino_config]
    Archived log file to '/local/notesdata/hcl_231010_182050.log'
    Removed LoadMon-Data '/local/notesdata/loadmon.ncf'
    Starting Domino for xLinux (hcl)
    done PID is 742526
    KEEP starting in task mode, no post_startup action required
    [hcl@drapi-6949c45b8-wghbz ~]$

You are now set to re-install the First Touch Recipe Catalog application in Volt MX Go Foundry by following the Log in to Volt MX Go Foundry instructions.