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Create a new native app project


The information in this document is based on Volt MX Go version 2.0.4, Domino REST API version 1.0.14, and Domino server version 14.0.1.

About this task

Walks you through the process of creating a new project for a mobile or tablet platform.

Before you begin

  • You have launched Volt MX Go Iris.


  1. In the top menu of Volt MX Go Iris, select ProjectNew Project.
  2. In the What do you want to start with now? dialog, select Native App and click Next.

    What do you want to start with now dialog

  3. In the Which device size do you want to start building for first? dialog, select Mobile or Tablet and click Next.

    Project Name

  4. Enter your Project Name and click Create.

    Project Name

You have now created a new native app project. You can see your project name in the upper-left corner of the Volt MX Go Iris canvass.

New native app project