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Show Domino Agents as part of the Design Import app


The information in this document is based on Volt MX Go version 2.0.4, Domino REST API version 1.0.14, and Domino server version 14.0.1.

Domino Agents which are part the HCL Domino are part of the nsf that only Domino Designer can be able to modify. These nsf will be able to use by the Domino REST API to be able to use it for other services. Only those configured Agents in a nsf will be available to amend by the Domino REST API. These Agents will be imported to Volt MX Go Iris as part of the Design Import.

For more information, see Agents in the HCL Domino Designer documentation.

About this task

Shows you how the Agents are imported to the Volt MX Iris Go Design Import.

Before you begin

  • You must read and familiarize yourself with the Design Import tutorial.


You must finish the procedure importing Domino Application.


  • For the Volt MX Go release v2.0.4, only limited Agents are supported.
  • The Design Import App shows the following conditions for using Domino Agents:
    • If the Domino Agents' trigger type configuration is action menu.
    • If the Domino Agents' document setting is configured to All.

Importing Agents in Volt MX Go Iris using the Design Import capability

  • The Domino Agent will be imported as actions. These will be available on Views for all the configured views on the imported Domino app.

Expected result

Sample output on Agents from the imported Domino App using Web App

In this example, the Domino Agent has the capability to modify the Region.

  1. On the Views, click the Customers B ByRegion.


    The Customers B ByRegion will open.

    Customers B ByRegion window

  2. Agents action will be available on the navigation bar. Click the Agents.

    Agents context menu

    The four configured Agent will appear as actions. These actions are imported from the Domino Agent, which is already set upĀ inside the nsf file.

  3. Click the actions West to East.

    Select West to East action

  4. It will give a prompt that the Agent has been done processing. Click OK.

    Notification prompt

  5. All customers in the West Region will move to the East Region.

    Customers B ByRegion window