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Connect to Domino server from your Notes client


This applies only when you install Volt MX Go in a development or test-only environment, which was only available until Volt MX Go v2.0.4.

About this task

Guides you in connecting to the Domino server from your Notes client. If you installed Domino using the MX Go Domino Helm chart, you should configure a Server Connection document to enable connecting to Domino from your Notes client. Follow the steps below.

Before you begin

Make sure that your /etc/hosts file has the preview hostnames. You will need these same entries on any machine you want to connect from, such as your dev laptop.



The procedure is based on using HCL Notes v12.

  1. Run the following command to copy the from the domino-drapi pod:

    kubectl cp -n mxgo -c restapi-log $POD_NAME:/local/notesdata/ ./


    The $POD_NAME in the command represents the name of the Domino pod. To get the name of the Domino pod, run the command kubectl get pods -n mxgo. In the following example result, the highlighted text corresponds to the Domino pod name.

    Domino pod name

    So using the example result, the command above should look like:

    kubectl cp -n mxgo -c restapi-log domino-drapi-6989796bdc-nnmdg:/local/notesdata/ ./

    You may see a warning about "Removing leading '/' from member names" which is typical when specifying full paths in the copy command. Ignore the warning.

    If necessary, copy the file to your laptop.

  2. Switch your ID within the Notes client.

    1. On your Notes client, select FileSecuritySwitch ID.
    2. On the Choose User ID to Switch To dialog, search and select the file, and then click Open.


      The default password is password.

  3. Specify your names.nsf file within the Notes client.

    1. On the Notes client, select FileOpenHCL Notes Application.
    2. On the Open Application dialog, search and select the names.nsf file, and then click Open.
  4. Create a new server connection.

    1. On the Notes client, select AdvancedNewServer Connection. The Server Connection page opens.
    2. On the Basics tab, enter drapi in the Server name text box and then select the TCPIP checkbox for Use LAN port.
    3. Click the Advanced tab, and then enter for your server in the Destination server address text box.

    4. (Optional) If you configured the value of the exposeNRPC parameter to be HostPort during the DRAPI Helm installation, no further configuration is required and you can proceed to Save & Close. If instead you specified NodePort:

      1. Run the following kubectl command to get the port number of the port picked by Kubernetes for the NodePort:

        kubectl get services domino-drapi-nrpc-external -n mxgo

        The output should be similar to the following:

        kubectl get services domino-drapi-nrpc-external -n mxgo
        NAME                         TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)
        domino-drapi-nrpc-external   NodePort   <none>        1352:31657/TCP
      2. Get the port number from the output and append it to the host name in the Destination server address text box.

        Using the output example, the PORT(S) column show that port 1352 is being exposed on port 31657. Append :31657 to the host name in the Destination server address text box making a final value of

    5. Click Save & Close.


    drapi is the abbreviation for Domino REST API.

Expected result

In your Notes client, you should now be able to select FileOpenHCL Notes Application, specify drapi as the server name, and connect to your new Domino server.