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Rosetta Converter configuration options


The Rosetta Converter converts formula code (Notes or Excel1/OpenFormula) into a JavaScript equivalent. It takes advantage of the available Rosetta API library implementations as needed. It creates a JavaScript code snippet comprised of the native JavaScript elements as well as calls to the corresponding APIs. 

The Rosetta Converter is an integral part of the VoltFormula process. It allows the developer to write code using formula languages and takes care of providing the JavaScript equivalents. It is written in JavaScript using regex rules and ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition)(antlr4) link image rules.

Configuration options

The Rosetta Converter has several options to manipulate the formula to JavaScript conversion behaviors. All options are accessible directly through the converter's configuration object getters and setters. In Volt MX Go Iris, you can access these options on the VoltFormula tab in the Project Settings dialog.

  • allowPassthrough

    This option is set to false by default.

    Formula language that's not known are transferred to the JavaScript results intact. In this way, the formula can be artificially altered with code that's not necessarily formula language, and the resulting JavaScript will contain such code.


    Use this option with caution as it can be used to inject executable code.


    n = @Abs(-5);

    In the example, console.log() isn't a valid formula language. If the option allowPassthrough is true, then the resulting JavaScript looks like this:

    var n = rosettajs.Math.abs(-5);

    If the option allowPassthrough is false, which is the default, then conversion result throws an exception that looks something like this:

        "line": 2,
        "column": 11,
        "message": "no viable alternative at input 'console.log('"
  • _stripNumbers

This option is set to true by default.

  • _paramAsFieldName

This option is set to true by default.

  • _nativeness

This option controls whether conversion into native JavaScript vs calling API functions for code elements that exist natively in JavaScript, such as:

- @Do
- @DoWhile
- @For
- @If
- @While
- @True
- @False


when "@True": true,

yes := @True

converts to:

var yes = true;

when "@True": false,

yes := @True

converts to:

var yes = rosettajs.Logical.true();


  _allowPassthrough: false,
  _stripNumbers: true,
  _paramAsFieldName: true,
  _nativeness: {
    "_global": true, // true =all native js
    "@Do": true,
    "@DoWhile": true,
    "@For": true,
    "@If": true,
    "@While": true,
    "@True": true,
    "@False": true

Getters, setters, and checkers

  • <converter>.config.getAllowPassthrough()
  • <converter>.config.getNativeness(formula)
  • <converter>.config.getParamAsFieldName()
  • <converter>.config.getStripNumbers()
  • <converter>.config.setAllowPassthrough(allow)
  • <converter>.config.setNativeness(formula, native)
  • <converter>.config.setParamAsFieldName(convert)
  • <converter>.config.setStripNumbers(strip)

Additional information

For more information, see Configure VoltFormula's Rosetta API Options.

  1. Excel is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.