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For Volt MX Go v2.0.4 or earlier

Guides you in upgrading Volt MX Go server components.

Upgrade Domino REST API

Before you begin


Make sure to check version compatibility between Volt MX Go and Domino REST API.


  1. Download the required version of the Domino REST API installer. For more information, see Download the Domino REST API link image in the HCL Domino REST API documentation.

  2. Follow the relevant steps in the upgrade procedure link image in the HCL Domino REST API documentation link image based on your installation platform.

Upgrade Volt MX Go Foundry

The following procedures guide you in upgrading Volt MX Go Foundry to the latest version. As Volt MX Go Foundry supports various installation mechanisms, refer to the relevant upgrade procedure.

For using an installer


The upgrade process works by upgrading the existing database to the latest version, and installing fresh application server artifacts, such as data sources and WARs. For installation details such as hostname, database port, prefix, suffix, you must refer to the installation logs of your previous setup.

The installer does not support automatic backups of database and other artifacts. You must clean up the existing application server artifacts and take a backup of the custom artifacts. The installer also does not support rollback in case of a failure during the upgrade. To roll back, restore the database and server artifacts you backed up before upgrading.

Before you begin

  • Back up your databases and server artifacts.
  • You have downloaded the latest Volt MX Go Foundry installer based on your used installation platform/option. For more information, see Download HCL Volt MX Go installers.

  • Ensure that the Volt MX Go Foundry installer has execute permission.

  • Ensure that you have the path of your previous installation directory.
  • Ensure that you stop the application server of your existing Volt MX Go Foundry instance, which you want to upgrade.


  • Follow the link to the upgrade procedure based on your used installation platform:


    • The upgrade procedure will indicate installation files and installation file download locations. You must use the installer you downloaded in Before you begin.
    • Check all the details and complete all the applicable steps indicated in the upgrade procedure.

For using Helm charts on a supported Kubernetes platform

Before you begin

  1. Create a temp directory for the charts.

    Run the following to create a temp directory for downloading the charts, and make it the current directory:


    mkdir ~/<new directory name>
    cd ~/<new directory name>


    mkdir ~/mxgo201
    cd ~/mxgo201

    In the example, you create a new directory mxgo201 that will contain the new Helm charts. Creating the new directory allows you to differentiate and compare the Helm charts from different MX Go versions.

  2. Configure Helm to pull from HCL Container Repository.

    You need your email and authentication token used with the HCL Container Repository.

    1. Run the following command to check if hclcr is already defined:

      helm repo list
    2. If hclcr is already defined, proceed to Download Foundry charts step. Otherwise, execute the following step to set up Helm.


      If hclcr points to voltmxgo-ea, you should remove it and then proceed to the next step to set up Helm.

    3. Run the following command to set up Helm:

      helm repo add hclcr --username <your hclcr username> --password <your hclcr password>


      helm repo add hclcr --username --password xx3ds2w


      Use the CLI secret value you saved from obtaining authentication token from HCL Container Repository as your authentication token or password.

      If you get an error message similar to the following:

      Error: looks like is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: failed to fetch : 401 Unauthorized

      Most likely, you haven't specified your username or authentication token correctly. Make sure the case and content matches exactly what's listed on the HCL Container Repository site and retry.

  3. Download Foundry charts.

    1. Run the following command to make sure that the chart information for the repositories is up-to-date.

      helm repo update

      See Volt MX Go and Helm chart version compatibility to know the latest Helm chart version.

    2. Run the following commands to download the Foundry charts, unpack the files, and move the values.yaml file to the current directory:

      mkdir foundry
      cd foundry
      helm pull hclcr/voltmx-dbupdate
      helm pull hclcr/voltmx-foundry
      tar -xzf voltmx-foundry-1.n.n.tgz
      tar -xzf voltmx-dbupdate-1.n.n.tgz
      mv voltmx-foundry/values.yaml  ./
      mv voltmx-foundry/  ./
      chmod +x


      The foundry and dbupdate chart names have a version string in the filename. The helm pull command will pull down the latest version of the charts. Ensure your tar command uses the correct matching file names.

  4. Obtain the file from your prior deployment and copy it into the same directory as your values.yaml.

  5. Invoke the init-guids script specifying the path of the prior deployment's by running the following command:

    ./ --upgrade ./


  1. Update the values.yaml file of the target upgrade version with custom settings you want to apply from the values.yaml file of your current installation.
  2. Remove the dbupdate deployment by running the following command:

    helm uninstall dbupdate -n mxgo
  3. Scale down existing Foundry deployments to zero by running the following commands:

    kubectl scale deployment --replicas=0 voltmx-foundry-console
    kubectl scale deployment --replicas=0 voltmx-foundry-apiportal
    kubectl scale deployment --replicas=0 voltmx-foundry-integration
    kubectl scale deployment --replicas=0 voltmx-foundry-identity
  4. Confirm that the ready count has dropped to zero by running the following command:

    kubectl get deployment

    You should get an output similar to the following where the ready count has dropped to zero:

    NAME                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    drapi                        1/1     1            1           5h40m
    voltmx-foundry-console       0/0     0            0           51m
    voltmx-foundry-identity      0/0     0            0           51m
    voltmx-foundry-integration   0/0     0            0           51m
    voltmx-foundry-apiportal     0/0     0            0           51m
  5. Confirm the removal of the pods by running the following command:

    kubectl get pods

    You should get an output similar to the following where the Foundry pods have been removed:

    NAME                      READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    drapi-6949c45b8-wghbz     3/3     Running     0          5h40m
    mysql-0                   1/1     Running     0          5h36m
  6. Within the directory containing the new Foundry charts, upgrade the databases by running the following command:

    helm install dbupdate voltmx-dbupdate -f values.yaml
  7. After a successful database upgrade, upgrade the Foundry applications by running the following command:

    helm upgrade foundry voltmx-foundry -f values.yaml

    This updates the deployment configuration and spins up new pods to run the latest version of the applications.

Next step

After completing the upgrade installation of Domino REST API and Volt MX Go Foundry, proceed to Install and upgrade Volt MX Go Iris.