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Set up external IdP for Admin UI IdP

About this task

You can add your own IdP to use for Admin UI login. This uses a PKCE login flow.


Set up external IdP

Configure your external IdP in the configuration file. For more information, see configuring external IdP for configuring an external IdP of your choice.


When configuring your external IdP, make sure to set {{ origin }}/admin/ui/callback as one of your redirect URIs.

Set up Admin UI external IdP login configuration

Configure the adminui property in your chosen external IdP. For more information, see JWT parameters.

Admin UI external IdP login


The Admin UI shows the OIDC logins and the Domino REST API login, which uses the Domino REST API IdP. To prevent the Admin UI from showing all IdP logins, set the value of the AdminUIOIDCLogin parameter to false. To disable the login with password button, set the AdminUIKeepLogin parameter to false. For more information on how to modify the configuration, see Modify configuration parameters.

Once configured, the Admin UI login should look like the following example image. In the example image, Keycloak is used as the external IdP.

external IdP for Admin UI login

Clicking Sign in with {external_idp_name} commences the authorization code flow.


Admin UI external IdP login uses authorization code flow with PKCE.



The following is an example configuration for Azure IdP:

  "jwt": {
    "AzureIdP": {
      "active": true,
      "providerUrl": "{tenant_id}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration",
      "aud": "{client_id}",
      "iss": "{tenant_id}/v2.0",
      "algorithm": "RS256",
      "adminui": {
        "active": true,
        "client_id": "{client_id}",
        "application_id_uri": "api://dominorest/"


The following is an example configuration for Keycloak IdP:

  "jwt": {
    "KeycloakIdP": {
      "active": true,
      "providerUrl": "https://{keycloak_host}/realms/{realm_name}",
      "adminui": {
        "active": true,
        "client_id": "{client_id}"