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Setting up the Java Maven project

You will install the DRAPI dependencies and configure a pom.xml as well a the maven standard directory structure. We outline the manual steps, your Ide might have some automation that works faster.


  • You need a matching JDK installed (Domino doesn't ship a JDK);
  • Java 8 for Domino 12
  • Java 17 for Domino 14
  • Java 21 for Domino 14.5
  • Apache Maven latest 3.9 edition
  • Version control, we presume git for this tutorial
  • An Ide, but you could just use vi if you remember how to exit it

Be careful when installing a JDK, it might have license requirents (e.g. the Oracle version), so stick with OpenJDK.

Locate and install DRAPI dependencies

Maven at compile time relies on dependencies in the ~/.m2 direcory structure, so you need to install DRAPI's jar files there manually since they are not published to Maven central and can't be automagically downloaded.

Locate the DRAPI installation diectory and change into it. It typically is something like /opt/hcl/keep or C:\Program files\HCL\restapi, Make sure you see the following files (there are more, but not relevat here):

  • keep-core-*.jar
  • keep-extension-*.jar
  • keep-core-*-javadoc.jar
  • keep-extension-*-javadoc.jar

where * stands for the internal build number, e.g 1.38.0 for DRAPI 1.1.2.

You can use the installer

An easy way to get the files is to run the installer using the parameters -a -n -s to "install" the files to a temp directory. Make sure you have the matching installer for your Domino version

Install the jars to ~/.m2 using this command (all OS):

mvn install:install-file -dfile=keep-core-1.38.0.jar
mvn install:install-file -dfile=keep-core-1.38.0-javadoc.jar
mvn install:install-file -dfile=keep-extension-1.38.0.jar
mvn install:install-file -dfile=keep-extension-1.38.0-javadoc.jar

Create the direcory structure

I keep all my code in ~/Code ( %HOME%\Code for Windows), Don't put files under version control in your Documents or Desktop folder, you only risk conflicts between version control and cloud sync (Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud etc).

Decide on your organisation, usually it is the reverse URL, so when your url is, you use com.acme as org, which is the entry to your packet hierachy, for the purpose of this tutorial we will use io.projectkeep. Please do not use it for your actual code.

Directory Structure

For macOS or Linux:

mkdir -p extension-tutorial/src/main/java/io/projectkeep/domino/keep/dbrequests/approvals
mkdir -p extension-tutorial/src/main/resources/config
mkdir -p extension-tutorial/src/main/resources/openapi
mkdir -p extension-tutorial/src/test/java/io/projectkeep/domino/keep/dbrequests/approvals
mkdir -p extension-tutorial/src/test/resources

For Windows:

mkdir "extension-tutorial\src\main\java\io\projectkeep\domino\keep\dbrequests\approvals"
mkdir "extension-tutorial\src\main\resources\config"
mkdir "extension-tutorial\src\main\resources\openapi"
mkdir "extension-tutorial\src\test\java\io\projectkeep\domino\keep\dbrequests\approvals"
mkdir "extension-tutorial\src\test\resources"

The strucutre follows the maven defaults and the package naming used in DRAP

Add the pom.xml

In this tutorial we will only add the pieces we absolutely need. SO, depending on your corporate standards you might add additional entries, listing developers, version control, check style, documentation creation etc.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
    <name>Keep API Extension Example</name>

       <!-- Adjust Domino & Java version to your environment -->
       <keep.version>1.38.0</keep.version> <!-- your Keep version -->
       <!-- IMPORTANT: Encoding all UTF-8 -->



                            implementation="org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.extensions.SurefireForkNodeFactory" />





Configure version control

Create the file .gitignore in the root of your project. Take inspiration from existing files here or here. Also strongly recommended is to create the file .gitattributes. Once created, initialize and populate the repository:

git init
git add --all
git commit -m 'initial creation'

By frequently commiting to your local git, you work with the assurance that you can respawn when things go south.

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