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The Domino REST API uses the Apache log4j2 logging framework. By default, logs are stored in the domino-keep.log file in the subdirectory IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT in your Notes/Domino data directory.

The log files are set to roll over daily or when they reach a size of 10 MB. Logs are kept for a period of 30 days.

The default file controls all this. If you need to make changes to the logging, such as modifying the filename, adjusting the logging destination, or modifying the log level, you can set your own logging parameters.

Familiarity with Apache log4j2 is strongly recommended. The configuration has two steps:

  • Specify the location of the configuration file for Notes/Domino. You can choose any name other than that you prefer.
  • Provide the file.

It's possible to have several configuration files, but only one is active at any given time.

Provide your own logging configuration

This section shows you how to create your own logging configuration to meet your requirements. Typically, that would be to temporarily adjust logging levels like DEBUG and TRACE or to integrate tools like LogStash.

  1. Open the notes.ini file. For more information, see Editing the notes.ini file.

  2. Add the KeepLogConfigFile parameters with the following settings and save. The KeepLogConfigFile option can be added to notes.ini to edit the log configuration file.

    Configuration settings:

    • Windows: KeepLogConfigFile=C:\path\to\
    • Linux: KeepLogConfigFile=/path/to/


  • You can find the default file inside the file keep-core jar.
  • For example, extract the contents of the keep-core-1.28.2.jar file and include the file.

Additional information

  • The "jar" component is included in your Java installation. If your path doesn't lead there, indicate the directory to your java\bin folder.
  • Specify the version of your keep-core file, as it may differ from the one shown in the example.
  • Remove the file from your Rest API directory to avoid potential issues with upgrades.
  • The log4j.properites file for the Domino REST API may change without prior notice. When you observe any differences in the logging behavior after a recent upgrade, extract and review the updated log4j file.

  • Check out the Log4J documentation for details on the available settings.