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Lab 11 - KEEP Configuration

The Domino REST API provides extensive configuration capabilities to cater to different usage scenarios

Duration 20 min

What you will learn

  • Fine tune KEEP configuration
  • Switch on/off API endpoints

KEEP configuration


  • Domino running


All configuration settings are kept in JSON files you place in keepcofig.d. Files are loaded in alphabetical order. When you have conflicting entries, the last one wins. After a change the REST API needs to be reloaded.

Update CORS settings

  "CORS": {
    "localhost": true,
    ".local": false,
    "": true

CORS Settings

Disable PIM access

  "versions": {
    "pim": {
      "active": true
  "verticles": {
    "PIM": {
      "active": false
    "Firehose": {
      "active": false

PIM disabled

Disable Admin Endpoints and UI

  "versions": {
    "setup": {
      "active": false
  "verticles": {
    "Design": {
      "active": false
    "KeepAdmin": {
      "active": false
  "webapps": {
    "webjars": {
      "active": false

Disable Setup

Enable OAuth

  "oauth": {
    "active": true,
    "database": "oauth.nsf",
    "authCodeExpiresIn": 120,
    "accessTokenExpiresIn": 3600,
    "refreshTokenExpiresIn": 525600,
    "url": "http://localhost:8880"

Enable OAuth

How to check

  • check with swagger
  • check with curl

Things to explore