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Configuration parameters

The configuration is assembled from JSON files and a few selected environment parameters. We use those environment parameters because they're a commonly used way to configure instances in virtual environments such as Docker, IBM Cloud, and Kubernetes.

The Domino REST API ships with default settings in internal files config.json and security.json. These are internal files and not subject to user modifications.

CaSe SeNsItIvE

Parameters are case sensitive

To alter a parameter, either set an environment parameter, if one exists (there aren't that many) or create a JSON file in keepconfig.d by following the the steps in Modify configuration of Domino REST API.


Parameter Description
PORT: 8880 HTTP(S) port for the Domino REST API service.
METRICSPORT: 8890 Endpoint for Prometheus Metrics.
JwtDuration Lifetime in seconds for the internal JWT provider. Default value is 2 hours.
maxJwtDuration Maximum lifetime in seconds that the JWT tokens get accepted. Default value is 24 hours.
TLSFile TLS file with key for jks, pem or pfx.
TLSPassword Password for jks and pfx key file.
HEALTHCHECK_USER Username for accessing Health check (Port 8886)
HEALTHCHECK_PASSWORD Password for accessing Health check (Port 8886)

Parameters in JSON files

A configuration can have the following top-level properties. These properties are case-sensitive.

Property Type Description
MANAGEMENTPORT int (0 to 65353) (default 8889) Commands regarding the runtime, for example config and shutdown, should only be exposed to an admin network workstation.
METRICSPORT int (0 to 65353) (default 8890) Port for Prometheus metrics.
Firehoseport int (0 to 65353) (default 42424) Port for Firehose to successfully deliver data to custom HTTP endpoints.
PORT int (0 to 65353) (default 8880) The port for regular API access.
prometheusMetrics prometheusParameters Parameters to hand over to the Prometheus task from vert.x.
versions versionParameters List of the OpenAPI definition files to load.
verticles verticlesParameters The verticles to load.
vertx vertxParameters Parameters to hand to the start of vert.x, see the vert.x documentation for details.
ServerDirectDBAccess Boolean Set to true to allow Direct Database access for server.
createKeepDBfromTemplate Boolean Set to true to allow create Domino REST API Database from template.
useJnxDesigns Boolean Set to false to stop the use of Jnx Designs.
AllowJwtMail Boolean Set to true to allow email to be sent via a JWT token.
AllowLocalMailFile Boolean Set to true to allow local mail file
⁠showDeprecatedEndpoints Boolean True to allow access to deprecated endpoints / APIs
⁠showPreviewFeatures Boolean True to allow preview access to new features, endpoints, or APIs
bodyHandler bodyHandler parameters Handles HTTP file uploads and used to limit body sizes
webAuthnActive Boolean Set to true to enable WebAuthn to be active.
jwt JWT parameters Parameters for enabling Domino REST API to accept JWT tokens from external providers
LandingPageRedirect String Alternative landing page for those who prefer a different layout than the tiled landing page. Ensure the URL provided is valid and complete.
TokenCookie Boolean (default false) Set to true to allow Domino REST API to send back JWT as cookie named KeepToken. The cookie expiry is the same as the JWT expiry, it will also immediately expire when logout is called.

Backpressure handling Parameters

These parameters control the flow of requests to Domino, to shape acceptable load

Property Type Description
concurrentRequestMaxCount int How many request con concurrently be open to Domino core -1 = unlimited
concurrentRequestDelay int Number of milli seconds to retry an operation (default = 42)
concurrentRequestRetries int number of retries before rejecting a request" (default = 100)

Prometheus Parameters

Property Type Description
Endpoint String Route path to metrics.
enabled Boolean true to enable metrics collection.
publishQuantiles Boolean true to publish Quantiles.

Version parameters

Versions has a named list of entries with two parameters:

Property Type Description
path String Path used by getResourceAsStream to load an OpenAPI specification file.
active Boolean Whether the spec is loaded.
disabledOperationIds Array Receives the operationID of an endpoint or endpoints in an API schema as value to make those endpoints unavailable

The name of the entries must match the name used in versions of the RestAPI verticle (See below).

Vert.x parameters

Property Type Description
metric metricsParameters Parameter for vert.x metrics.

Metrics parameters

Here is a JSON representation of the resource:

  "enabled": true,
  "jvmMetricsEnabled": true,
  "metricuser": "metrics"
Property Type Description
disabledMetricsCategories Array of Strings Specified in the MetricsDomain Java class, for example vertx.http.server
enabled Boolean Whether metrics are enabled on the Vert.x instance.
jvmMetricsEnabled Boolean Whether JVM metrics are collected.
labels Array of Strings List of labels to enable / disable.
labelMatches Array of Match List of rules for label matching.
registryName String Name for the metrics registry, so that a new registry is created and associated with this name. Leave blank for default.

Verticle parameters

Verticles defines a separate unit of work for particular tags. For the Rest API verticle, see below. The rest have a standard set of parameters:

Property Type Description
active Boolean Whether to load this verticle. This can be used to limit available operations. For example, on an external facing server set all but the basis API to false
className String Class to use for the verticle. Typically this is com.hcl.domino.keep.verticles.DominoDefaultVerticle, unless you need to extend that class.
tags Object Tags from OpenAPI specs to allocate to this verticle and the package in which to find the NSFHandlers.
instances int Relevant only for RestAPI verticle, loads multiple instances that each use a thread pool. You will need to be aware of the number of cores available and scalability, see the Vert.x documentation.
threadPoolName String When a verticle should use a dedicated pool for the executeBlocking operations (a.k.a all calls into the Domino C API), the name for thread pool. By default it is assigned 10 threads, but this can be overwritten with threadPoolSize. Don't use the same threadPoolName by multiple verticles, sharing is not supported.
threads int This will only be used for worker threads with a specific threadPoolName. The default is 10, but this can be overwritten.
worker Boolean To make this a worker verticle. Worker verticles run on their own event loop thread, pulled from a preconfigured pool of 20 threads. Use for heavy-duty verticles.
threadTimeout long defaults to 2. Number of minutes for an executeBlocking to time out. Only in effect when a threadPoolName is specified

The following are types of verticles with additional parameters:

AsyncAgentScheduler verticle

This is the verticle for running async agents - calls to /run/agent with async set to true in the payload. In the Notes client you can look at KeepAgents.nsf for the asynchronous agents that are running or have run. This properties for this verticle include the above, plus these:

Property Type Description
agentDefaultMaxDurationSeconds int Timeout for asynchronous agents, in seconds. A value of -1 allows all agents to run to completion without timeout.
logFrequencyMs int Frequency to log messages of running async agents to the console.

RestAPI verticle

This is the verticle for managing WebHandlers. worker, threadPoolName, threadPoolSize, className and active parameters are as for the other verticles. This verticle also has a versions parameter. This maps to the top-level versions parameter and has the following properties:

Property Type Description
defaultClass String Class to use for the WebHandler if no class is defined. com.hcl.domino.keep.handlers.v1.DefaultJsonHandler handles any authenticated endpoint that receives either no body or a body with ContentType as application/json and responds with ContentType as application/json.
defaultDatabase String Domino REST API Database to use if there is no query parameter for "db" passed.
package String Package in which to find the WebHandlers for this version.
route String URL path for all OpenAPI endpoints for this spec.

BodyHandler parameters

Property Type Description
uploadsDirectory String Sets the uploads directory to use. Default value is keep-file-uploads.d
bodyLimit int Sets the maximum body size in bytes. Setting the value to -1 means no limit.

JWT parameters

Property Type Description
active Boolean Set to true to load the JWT
providerURL String Base or full URI to the endpoint of the external JWT provider
algorithm / alg String Signing algorithm being used
kid String Stands for key ID and is a hint indicating which key was used to secure the JWS.
keyFile String Path to the JWT public key
iss String Identifies the principal that issued the JWT. The value is a case-sensitive string containing a string or URI value.
aud String Identifies the recipient that the JWT is intended for. When configuring Microsoft Entra ID, formerly Azure Active Directory, as an IdP, the value of this parameter is the Application ID URI you configured.
ofba JWT OFBA parameters Parameters for enabling this external IdP to use for OFBA.

JWT OFBA parameters

Property Type Description
active Boolean Set to true to enable the use of external IdP in OFBA.
client_id String External IdP client ID to use for OFBA.
scope Array of Strings List of scope names to use for OFBA.
application_id_uri String An optional property. Required when external IdP is Microsoft Entra ID, formerly Azure Active Directory. End with a /.


Named elements vs. arrays

All configuration entries are named entries and not arrays, since named entries can be merged in the configuration while arrays can only be overwritten.

Deactivation of entries

The config.json in the Jar has the entry for the setup API as:

    "versions": {
    "setup": {
            "path": "/schema/openapi.setup.json",
            "active": true

When you supply your own some.json in the config.d directory:

    "versions": {
    "setup": {
            "active": false

the resulting configuration available to Domino REST API is:

    "versions": {
    "setup": {
            "path": "/schema/openapi.setup.json",
            "active": false

In summary, the setup API isn't loaded. This is the mechanism to disable default components without having to update the Jar.

Overwriting the values

All values can be over written by entries in the keepconfig.d located in your Notes/Domino Data directory. If this directory doesn't exist, create it. The structure needs to be the same as in the default file, but only needs the entries you want to change.

Making excluded database files and directories available

config.json includes the following JSON object that defines the excluded NSF files and directories.

"nsfExclusions": {
    "mail/": true,
    "KeepConfig.nsf": true,
    "KeepConfig.ntf": true,
    "KeepAgents.nsf": true,
    "KeepAgents.ntf": true,
    "KeepOAuth.ntf": true,
    "oauth.nsf": true,
    "names.nsf": true,
    "*.ntf": true,
    "help/": true,
    "as_": true,
    "MJ": true,
    "domino/": true

To make an NSF file or directory, defined in the JSON object, available in the list of databases available when you define a schema in the Admin UI, see Enable excluded database files and directories.