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JSON Web Token specification

Domino REST API can issue a valid JSON Web Token using a user’s Domino credentials via the POST/auth endpoint in OpenAPI. Domino REST API can also process and use an incoming JWT from an external Identity Provider (IdP).

When issuing a valid JWT, the payload of the JWT may include the following parameters or claims:

Parameter/Claim Type Description
iss String Stands for Issuer and refers to the name of the IdP.

The iss uses the value of the JwtIssuer if present. If not, the value is the URL of the server.
sub String Stands for Subject and refers to the full qualified X.500 expended Notes name.

The value of the sub includes a series of Domino-format distinguished names, each of which contains an attribute type and value pair. The attribute types are:

- CN for common name of the user who generated the JWT.
- O for organization name of the user.

Example: CN=My Name/O=MyOrganization
iat Integer Stands for Issued At and identifies the time at which the JWT was issued. Its value is a NumericDate value.
exp Integer Stands for Expiry Time and identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing. The expiration time must coincide with the defined value of the maxJwtDuration parameter. Its value is a NumericDate value.
aud Array Stands for Audience and identifies the recipient that the JWT is intended for. Its only value is Domino (case-sensitive).
CN String Stands for Common Name and has the same definition and values as the sub claim.
scope String Refers to the databases and services that the user accesses. The values must be a space-separated list of database aliases, Mail, $SETUP, and/or $DATA.

For more information, see Scopes
email String Email address of the user whose Domino credentials were used to issue the JWT.

When processing and using an incoming JWT from an external IdP, you need to configure Domino REST API by creating a JSON file in keepconfig.d. The JSON file may include the following keys:

Key Description
jwt Indicates that the configuration is related to JWT.
IdP name The name you give your IdP. It's not a fixed value but should be unique on your server.
active Identifies whether to load the JWT configuration. Value is either true or false
algorithm Indicates the supported algorithm, which is currently RS256.
providerUrl Points to the external IdP’s endpoint URI to obtain the public key for JWT verification from the key server.

Domino REST API extends this URL by adding /.well-known/openid-configuration and check for the JSON return containing the jwks_uri key.

If your IdP doesn’t use the .well-known approach, such as Keycloak, you need to directly point to the key URL.
keyFile Indicates the path to the public key file relative to keepconfig.d or an absolute path. It's used when the administrator saves the key files locally in a secure location.
kid Stands for key ID and indicates which key was used to secure JWS. It's used when the administrator saves the key files locally in a secure location.
iss Stands for Issuer and points to the external IdP’s endpoint URL with the public key in case the URL changed during IdP configuration.

It can also point to the external IdP’s endpoint URL if the administrator saves the key files locally in a secure location.
aud When using Microsoft Entra ID as IdP, set its value to the configured Application ID URI.
userIdentifier Use to configure Domino REST API to accept LDAP-format name. Must be configured with userIdentifierinLdapFormat. Set the value to dn.
userIdentifierInLdapFormat Use to configure Domino REST API to accept LDAP-format name. Must be configured with userIdentifier. Set the value to true.


When processing and using an incoming JWT from an external IdP, there are 2 configuration modes that you can use to configure Domino REST API. One configuration mode uses the providerUrl, while the other uses keyFile and kid. To learn more, see External JWT Provider.

Example configuration:

    "jwt": {
        "AzureAD01": {
            "active": true,
            "providerUrl": "[your-tennantid-here]/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration",
            "aud": "api://dominorest",
            "iss": "[your-tennantid-here]/",
            "algorithm": "RS256"

In the example configuration, AzureAD01 is the IdP name.