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Create support package

About this task

Guides you on how to create a support package from the Management console. The support package can help the support team to better identify, troubleshoot, and resolve encountered issues. The support package is a zip file that includes:

  • all files in the IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT directory
  • JSON files in the keepconfig.d directory
  • text file containing a list of all the files in keepconfig.d
  • config.json file containing data output from the Config in the Management console
  • configSrc.json file containing data output from the Config scr in the Management console
  • info.json file containing data output from the Info in the Management console
  • threads.json file containing data output from the Threads in the Management console

There is also an option to include KeepConfig.nsf in the support package.

Before you begin

You must have access to the Management console.



  1. Log in to the Management console (Port 8889).
  2. On the Management console page, click Create in the Support package section.

    Management console


    The Include KeepConfig.nsf checkbox is selected by default to include the KeepConfig.nsf in the support package. Clear the checkbox to exclude KeepConfig.nsf from the support package.

    You are then notified that the support package has been created at the IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT directory with a specific filename.

    Management console after support package is created

Additional information


The support package is a zip file that has the filename format support-package-<datetime\>.zip. The <datetime\> variable indicates when the support package is created and has the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ. YYYY is the four-digit year, MM is the two-digit month, DD is the two-digit day, T is the time indicator, HH is the two-digit hour, MM is the two-digit minutes, SS is the two-digit seconds, and Z is the indicator that the time is in Zulu Time or Greenwich Mean Time.

Console command

You can also generate the support package by running the console command tell restapi support or tell restapi support -includensf on the Domino console. The console command tell restapi support creates the support package without the KeepConfig.nsf, while the tell restapi support -includensf creates the support package that includes the KeepConfig.nsf.