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Lab 9 - Unlock additional ports

Duration 20 min

What you will learn

  • Learn about metrics, healthcheck & management
  • Configure the functional accounts


  • Domino running


config stack

  • Create a JSON file in keepconfig.d with any name, such as portmagic.json.
  • Add the content like below:

[supersecret] isn't a good password

You have to promise never to use that in production or externally reachable servers:


  "DEBUG": true,
  "identity": {
    "healthcheckAPI": {
      "health": {
        "active": true,
        "secret": "FA1D8FC7DAA715F20A3C19F62451DCD011483EFBABE46A1C03F2CF0702365726:0A2AC2338974379073BEF880B2EA9E4FE86651974C83D3958DB73C81047CF3815456678A3EE206975CE17B7874589478A2FC92DCDF2C1794087AED94BF8FD4CA"
    "managementAPI": {
      "Doctor Notes": {
        "active": true,
        "secret": "FA1D8FC7DAA715F20A3C19F62451DCD011483EFBABE46A1C03F2CF0702365726:0A2AC2338974379073BEF880B2EA9E4FE86651974C83D3958DB73C81047CF3815456678A3EE206975CE17B7874589478A2FC92DCDF2C1794087AED94BF8FD4CA"
    "metricsAPI": {
      "metrics": {
        "active": true,
        "secret": "FA1D8FC7DAA715F20A3C19F62451DCD011483EFBABE46A1C03F2CF0702365726:0A2AC2338974379073BEF880B2EA9E4FE86651974C83D3958DB73C81047CF3815456678A3EE206975CE17B7874589478A2FC92DCDF2C1794087AED94BF8FD4CA"
  "metrics": {
    "enabled": true,
    "jvmMetricsEnabled": true
  • Restart the restapi.

Enable Ports

How to check

Navigate to the new URLs, you should be prompted with basic auth. Password is supersecret and user is the respective key from the JSON file.

Ports in use

Things to explore