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Configure Microsoft Entra ID as IdP

About this task

The procedures guide you on configuring Microsoft Entra ID, formerly Azure Active Directory, as an IdP. Microsoft Entra ID has its own ideas about JWT compatibility:

  • The aud property is fixed to the ID of the application, not as commonly, the URL of the target system.
  • There is no scope property, but instead scp to describe the requested scopes.

Configuration in Azure

Register an application

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal to login, and then select App registrations.

    Azure landing page

  2. Select New registration.

    Azure app registration

  3. Enter a Name, select a supported account type (in most cases Single tenant will do), enter local redirect URL (so you can develop your app), and then click Register.

    Azure app registration


If you aren't sure about the redirect URL, use http://localhost:8080/redirect. You can change this later on in Authentication in the application page.

Add credentials

The next step is to add the client credentials. Your application will need the Application (client) ID and Client credentials.

Azure app registration

  1. Select Certificates & secretsClient secretsNew client secret.

    Azure app registration

  2. Add a description, select an expiration for your client secret, and then click Add.

    Azure app registration

  3. Copy the secret's value for use in your client application code.

    Azure app registration


The secret value is only shown once and never displayed again after you leave this page.

API definition

  1. Select Expose an API.
  2. Select Add next to the Application ID URI. The URI must start with api://. You can overwrite the UUID with some clear text name.

    Azure app registration

  3. Select Add a scope.

  4. Specify the scope's attributes in the Add a scope pane.

    Ensure admins and users can consent and that the scope is set to Enabled. For more information about scopes in Domino REST API, see scopes reference and scope topic guide.

    Azure app registration

  5. Click Add scope.

  6. Repeat the steps for adding a scope for each scope that your need to add.

Azure app registration

Configure API permissions

  1. Select API permissions. The API permissions screen, which has User.Read preconfigured, opens.
  2. Click Add a permission.

    Azure app registration

  3. Select APIs my organization uses.

  4. Start typing the name of your application, and then select it.

    Azure app registration

  5. Under Select permissions, select the scopes you have created earlier and the click Add permissions.

    Azure app registration

After adding permissions, you should see the selected permissions under Configured permissions.

Azure app registration

Update the application owners

  1. Under Manage, select Owners and then select Add owners.

    Azure app registration

  2. Search for and select the user account that you want to be an owner of the application, and then click Select.

Adjust authentication

In Authentication, make sure you have localhost for local development and https-based URLs for your test, staging, and/or production systems specified. Select only Access token and make sure redirect ends with /.

Azure app registration

Adjust app manifest

  1. Under Manage page, select Manifest. A web-based manifest editor opens, allowing you to edit the manifest within the portal.
  2. Change the value of accessTokenAcceptedVersion from null to 2.

Before change:

Azure app registration

After change:

Azure app registration

URLs to note

  1. From the app's Overview page, select Endpoints.

    Azure app registration

  2. Take note of the following URLs.

    Azure app registration

All URLs are retrievable by accessing the OpenID Connect metadata document, colloquially referred to as .well-known. These are the ones involved:

  • OpenID Connect metadata document
  • OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint (v2)
  • OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2)

Configuration in Domino REST API

  1. Create a json file in the directory [notesdata]/keepconfig.d.

    You can choose the filename as long as you limit yourself to numbers and ASCII letters ([0-9a-zA-Z]+). We suggest AzureAD01.json, the same value you use in the json data below.

  2. Add the following content to the json file.

      "jwt": {
        "AzureAD01": {
          "active": true,
          "providerUrl": "[your-tennantid-here]/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration",
          "aud": "[your application id-here]",
          "iss": "[your-tennantid-here]/",
          "algorithm": "RS256"


    • The AzureAD01 isn't a fixed value. Pick anything that makes it clear for you. We strongly suggest to use the value as the filename too.

    • The aud parameter is the Application ID in Expose an API (the id parameter in the manifest, not the Application ID URI).

    • The iss parameter might be different from what the openid-configuration reports. So compare the values. We've seen the URL changed from[your-tennantid-here]/v2.0 to[your-tennantid-here]/, if that's so you need to specify it here.

    • Currently, Azure AD doesn't return the alg claim in the jwks_uri, you have to specify it here.
  3. Restart Domino REST API.

Azure AD / Entra ID is a moving target

Depending on your configuration you will need to adjust the aud and iss values in the configuration file. To determine the correct values, use the test application below to inspect what values are actually sent with the Azure access token. We found for aud, you might get the application id and something different for iss, also we expect the algorythm to be included somewhen

Use the test application below!

Test the application

  1. Go to Downloads, and then download the file.

    The file contains an expressJS application and related static files (HTML/CSS/JS).

  2. Extract the zip file.

  3. Navigate to the directory and run the web server using the following command:

    NodeJS required

    You need a current NodeJS version installed.

    npm install
    node server.js

    No production use of the code

    Do NOT use this code in production.

  4. Open the URL http://localhost:8080/ and fill in the form details. You will find most of the values in the overview page of the Azure application registration. You should see a page like this:

    Azure app registration

Include the Application ID URI

When you specify the scopes, you need to include the "Include the Application ID URI" in the test form. The URI will be stripped from the resulting JWT token. So to get scp : "$DATA MAIL demo" in the JWT, you must specify api://dominorest/$DATA api://dominorest/MAIL api://dominorest/demo where api://dominorest is whatever you specified as Application ID URI.

Azure redirects you to the /redirect URL. Typically, this page would auto process, but you want to marvel at the authorization code. When you click Exchange token, the ExpressJS server exchanges the code for a JWT and returns the list of configured endpoints as example. You can't do this with the browser alone, CORS prevents it.

Azure app registration

Check the results:

Azure app registration


A few tips to troubleshoot the setup when the goalpost has been moved:

  • Grab the JWT token and paste it at the website to decode the JSON payload.

  • If your corporate policy prohibits that, then extract the string between the two . from your JWT token and send it through a Base64 decoder: echo [the string] | base64 --decode | jq. Kindly note that | jq is optional.

  • Compare the iss value from the JWT token with the issuer value from the openid-configuration endpoint. If they don't match, you need to add the iss to the JSON configuration file you created or edited in keepconfig.d.
  • Compare the aud value from the JWT token with the aud value of the configuration file. Adjust the configuration file if different.
  • Check the scp, which is Microsoft's "alternative" to scope, and make sure it has the expected values matching the settings in the application configuration in the Admin UI. Adjust the scope in the DRAPI application (AdminUI) or your AzureAD IdP settings.

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