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Reserved Form mode names

Use form modes to specify what data can be read or written to documents using the form name in their form item. While you are free to pick any name (lower case, no special characters), there are names with a special purpose, namely:


The default mode is, as the name implies, the default when creating or reading documents and in the absence of an explicitly specified mode= parameter


When data is queried by DQL, forms need a dql mode to return values. The mode specified what data gets returned. If a form doesn't have a dql mode, no data will be returned for that form in a DQL query.


The odata mode lets you define the data that comes through OData endpoints. The API support the OData standard Open Data Protocol(OData). If a form doesn't have an odata mode, then an OData won't return any data for that form.


Needed for /api/v1/raw endpoint. The endpoint /api/v1/raw will only return data when the mode raw exists for the form requested and the user has the permission, expressed in the @formula of the raw mode definition. Typically you want to restrict raw access to admin and support users.


The Virtual Spreadsheet feature uses the vsheet mode to save the changes made on each view entry to its respective document. It's recommended that this mode contains all fields that the form has. The Virtual Spreadsheet feature won't be able to save any changes without this mode.


raw mode returns all fields without translation or adjustment.