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Code examples

The Domino REST API can be called by any http library in any language following these simple steps:

  1. Obtain a valid JWT Access Token from your configured Identity provider. Out of the box, that would be your REST enabled Domino server using a POST request with JSON username and password as body to the URL /api/v1/auth. In the resulting JSON, the bearer is your JWT Access Token.

  2. Pick the operation you want to complete from the OpenAPI spec and provide the bearer in the Authorization header as Bearer [insert bearer here]. You could do a pre-check if the bearer is still valid.

Sample applications

Look at the implemented source code to see a working implementation

Mentioned Source Language
Walkthrough Lab 06 Source NodeJS (OAuth)
Walkthrough Lab 07 Source JavaScript (Browser)
Walkthrough Lab 08 Source Java
The landing page use view source JavaScript

Read more details in the sub-pages (menu on the left).

On Postman usage

Postman offers to handle authentication for a user, which is "just" a shiny UI covering what goes into the Authorization header. For our sample collection, we took a different approach following the 2 steps outlined above. We use a Postman environment to capture the bearer in a test:

  1. Have an environment and set the collection to No Auth.

    Postman NoAUth

  2. Have a login action that pulls username/password from the environment (you have to add them there).

    Postman Login

  3. Use the Tests tab to capture the Bearer.

    Postman Capture bearer

    This simplifies operation. running the login action won't require manual copy & paste bearer information anymore

  4. In all operations, set the Authorization header to Bearer {{ AUTH_KEY }}.

    Postman use bearer

Postman provides code

Activating the code panel </> provides over 30 variations in various programming languages, including shell scripting (curl / powershell), how to code a given call.

Postman provides code

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