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Domino REST API task

On Domino servers, Domino REST API can be loaded using load restapi in the Domino server console.

To automatically start the Domino REST API on server start, the mode of operation you want for a production system, add restapi to the values of the notes.ini entry ServerTasks.

The launch of the Domino REST API is governed by the notes.ini key KeepInstallDir, which is set by the Domino REST API installer.


If you've configured https for the Domino REST API, modify the notes.ini setting KeepManagementURL to https. By default, this setting is http://localhost:8889. Not doing so will prevent the restapi task from starting.

Domino REST API task commands

Once the restapi task is loaded in the Domino console, you can use the following commands to interact:

Command Effect
load restapi Start the Domino REST API.
tell restapi quit End Domino REST API.
tell restapi reload Restart with new configuration.
tell restapi [show] info Show loaded components.
tell restapi [show] config Show current configuration.
tell restapi [show] status Show version information and state.
tell restapi refresh Refreshes Domino REST API with new configuration.

Once this command is issued, new incoming requests will be blocked, returning an HTTP Error 503 response. The existing queue of requests will be processed, and once completed, the new configuration will take effect, allowing new requests to be accepted.
tell restapi idpstatus Show state of configured identity providers.
tell restapi support Create a support package.
tell restapi support -includensf Create a support package, including KeepConfig.nsf.

The following are settings that can be set in the notes.ini

Setting Requirement Description
KeepInstallDir required Where Domino REST API is installed
KeepJavaHome optional Use a different Java binary than the one in {dominoBin}/jvm
KeepManagementURL optional Domino REST API management URL if different than http://localhost:8889
KeepNumAttachAttempts optional Number of attempts to get status of Domino REST API launch (default 10). There is a 3-second interval between attempts.
KeepLaunchWaitSecs optional Number of seconds to wait before executing java command (default 0)
RESERVED Only use when directed by support
KeepLogConfigFile optional Path to an alternate Log4j2 configuration file
KeepCurlLogging optional default false, prints curl commands to console
KeepAddinLogging optional default false, prints debug statements for the restapi task
KeepJavaHeapInMB optional Amount of heap memory in Megabytes that should be allocated to Domino REST API.

Keep the KeepManagementURL parameter current

When configuring the REST API to use TLS directly you need to update KeepManagementURL to use https:// and the domain name your TLS certificate is issued to