Domino REST API Walkthrough
This workshop is designed for a duration of 3.5 h (210 min) and covers the use and configuration of the Domino REST API using:
- Command line
- POSTMAN (or your favorite REST client)
- Domino REST AdminUI
- Code examples
See the menu on the left for the sequence.
A running Domino server with the Domino REST API installed on one of the following:
- on your local machine
- a remote server (note: you need OS access there)
- in a virtual machine
- in a (Docker) container using the the Domino REST API Container image
Postman installed
CURL installed
An IDE, like Eclipse or Visual Studio Code, installed
NodeJS (LTS Version) if you want to complete the JavaScript exercises
JDK (>= 8) if you want to complete the Java exercises
- Internet connection
- Optional (but you want out of curiosity): Domino Designer installed
Don't use a production server
We will mess with settings, so you don't want to work on a production system. A temporary local server will do.
- Understanding of Domino
- Understanding of Containers (optional)
- Understanding what an API is
- Ability to use the command line (preferably with
) - For the code exercises:
- experience in Java programming
- experience with JavaScript and NodeJS