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Activity Logging

Chapter 9-13
Activity Logging


Notes/Domino 6 provides a new activity logging feature which replaces and surpasses the previous billing functionality. There are many types of server activity that can be logged by the Domino server. For a complete description of the activity logging services, including configuration instructions, please refer to the Domino Administration Help documentation.

Domino logs all activity to the Log file (log.nsf). For efficiency, records are written in a binary format, and many records are written to one note. To access these records, a set of activity logging APIs are provided.

The basic steps for working with activity records are the following:

    1. Open a stream of records with the LogOpenActivityStream function, optionally specifying a subset of activity records to read.

    2. Enumerate through the records in the stream using the LogEnumActivityStream function. Each record can be processed with an action routine that you provide.

    3. Close the stream with the LogCloseActivityStream function.

For example:

       /* Open the stream. */
      if (error = LogOpenActivityStream(
      &pstreamctx, /* Return the stream context */
      pserver, /* Server name or NULL */
    ADMIN_LOG_FILE, /* LogPath -- "log.nsf" */
      NULL, /* NULL means ALL activity types. */
      0, /* No flags */
      NULL)) /* No date restriction */
    return (ERR(error));

      /* Read the records */
      if (error = LogEnumActivityStream(
      pstreamctx, /* Open activity stream context */
      ActionRoutine, /* User defined callback */
      &recordcount, /* Some example user data */
      NULL, /* Not saving the stream position. NULL OK here */
      0)) /* Not saving the stream position. 0 OK here */
    return (ERR(error));

      /* Close the stream */

Enumerating and processing the Activity Records

After obtaining a stream of records with the LogOpenActivityStream function, you can process the records in the stream by calling the LogEnumActivityStream function, passing it a pointer to an action routine that you provide. This action routine will then be called for each activity record as it is enumerated in the stream. The action routine must conform to the following calling syntax (as defined in ACTIVITYSTREAMACTION)

    STATUS LNCALLBACK ActionRoutine(
      const char *DescName,
      DWORD DescIdx,
      DWORD Flags,
      WORD  PrimaryKey,
          const TIMEDATE* TimeStamp,
      void *pActivityRecord,
      void *pUserData);

The data for each activity record is returned in the summary buffer pointed to by pActivityRecord. The information in this buffer is in the format of an ITEM_TABLE structure, that is, it consists of:

    • A USHORT specifying the total length of the buffer
    • A USHORT specifying the number of fields in the buffer
    • An array of ITEMs describing the fields in the buffer
    • An array containing the packed data for each field

Knowing the total length of the buffer, as well as the number of items it contains, it is possible to iterate through the buffer and copy the item values to a separate array that you allocate.

The following is an example of an action routine that demonstrates how to read the buffer for each activity record. In this example, all available information for every activity record is parsed to standard output. Also, the pUserData structure is used to keep a running count of all the records. For a complete sample program, please refer to the sample ACTIVITY in the directory samples\admin\activity.

const char DescName,
DWORD DescIdx,
DWORD Flags,
WORD  PrimaryKey,
void pActivityRecord,
char pactivitybuf = (char )pActivityRecord;
ITEM_TABLE itemtable;
ITEM items;
char timestr[MAXALPHATIMEDATE + 1];
WORD timelen;
char numstr[MAXALPHANUMBER + 1];
WORD numlen;
LIST plist;
WORD listentries;
USHORT type;
pcounter = (int )pUserData;

Increment the record counter /

/ Make a local ITEM_TABLE copy /
memmove(&itemtable, pActivityRecord, sizeof(ITEM_TABLE));

/ Move past to the ITEM array /
pactivitybuf += sizeof(ITEM_TABLE);

/ Allocate our own copy of the item array /
items = (ITEM )malloc(itemtable.Items * sizeof(ITEM));

memmove(items, (char
)pactivitybuf, itemtable.Items * sizeof(ITEM));  

/ Move to the start of the actual data /
pactivitybuf += itemtable.Items * sizeof(ITEM);

ConvertTIMEDATEToText(NULL, NULL, TimeStamp, timestr, MAXALPHATIMEDATE, &timelen);
/ Output the record header /
printf("Record #: %d, Name: %s, DescIdx: %d, Timestamp: %.s\n{\n",
pcounter, DescName, DescIdx, timelen, timestr);

/ Step through all of the items /
for (i = 0; i < itemtable.Items; i++)
/ Note that it's possible to have an existing item with a value length of 0 /
if (!items[i].ValueLength)
/ Point to the item name /
name = pactivitybuf;

pactivitybuf += items[i].NameLength;  
/ Get the type of the item /
memmove(&type, pactivitybuf, sizeof(USHORT));              
/ Point to the value /
pactivitybuf += sizeof(USHORT);    

switch (type)
 "\t%.s: %.s\n",
 items[i].ValueLength - sizeof(USHORT),
ConvertTIMEDATEToText(NULL, NULL, (TIMEDATE )pactivitybuf, timestr, MAXALPHATIMEDATE, &timelen);
s: %.s\n",
)pactivitybuf, numstr, MAXALPHANUMBER, &numlen);
 "\t%.s: %.s\n",
plist = (LIST ) pactivitybuf;
listentries = ListGetNumEntries(plist, FALSE);

for (j = 0; j < listentries; j++)
char ptext;
WORD len;
ListGetText(plist, FALSE, j, &ptext, &len);
s\n", len, ptext);

printf("type not implemented: %.s\n", items[i].NameLength, name);          
Point to the start of the next item. */                  
pactivitybuf += (items[i].ValueLength - sizeof(USHORT));



return NOERROR;

Activity Record Field Names, Types and Descriptions

Depending on which logging types have been enabled by the Domino configuration (i.e. Domino.Notes.Session, Domino.Notes.Database, Domino.AGENT, etc.), the data for each activity record retrieved by the C API functions may contain the following fields:

    Notes Session Activity
    Name: Domino.NOTES.Session

    Checkpointed: Yes

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextName of the session user.
    ServerNameTextName of the server that produced the record.
    SessionIdTextUniquely identifies this session on a server.
    EventTypeNumberThere are three events, Open, Checkpoint and Close. A record is written with an Open event when a session is open. A record is written with a Checkpoint event on a configured interval. When the session closes, a record is written with a Close event. The values are assigned as follows:
    Open = 1
    Checkpoint = 2
    ClientAddressTextNetwork address of the client
    BytesFromServerNumberThe number of bytes the client has read from the server.
    BytesToServerNumberThe number of bytes the client has sent to the server.
    DocumentsReadNumberThe number of documents read during the session.
    DocumentsWrittenNumberThe number of documents written during the session
    TransactionsNumberThe number of transactions executed by this session.
    DurationNumberLength of time that the session was open. (1/100 second interval).
    PortTextThe port used by this session.

    Notes Database Activity
    Name: Domino.NOTES.Database
    Checkpointed: Yes
    Essentially, this is the same information as the session records but associated with a specific database. Event types are different, however.

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    DatabaseNameTextThe name of the database.
    CheckpointIdTextIdentifies a particular instance of an open database for a session.
    UserNameTextName of the session user.
    ServerNameTextName of the server that produced the record.
    SessionIdTextUniquely identifies this session on a server.
    EventTypeNumberEventType - There are five events. Open, Checkpoint, Close, CloseEnd and Mail Deposit.
    Open = 1 - The database has been opened.
    Checkpoint = 2 - Written at configured intervals
    Close=4 - The database has been closed. Note that if the database is opened again during this session, the values for a database will not be reset but will instead continue to increment.
    CloseEnd=8 - The database is being closed because the session is being closed.
    MailDeposit=16 - Mail has been placed in one of the server's mail. boxes. Since the database is not remotely opened or closed, there will be no corresponding Open, Close or CloseEnd events associated with this event.
    ClientAddressTextNetwork address of the client
    BytesFromServerNumberThe number of bytes the client has read from the server.
    BytesToServerNumberThe number of bytes the client has sent to the server.
    DocumentsReadNumberThe number of documents read during the session.
    DocumentsWrittenNumberThe number of documents written during the session
    TransactionsNumberThe number of transactions executed by this session.
    DurationNumberLength of time that the session was open. (1/100 second interval).
    PortTextThe port used by this session.

    Passthru Activity
    Name: Domino.NOTES.Passthru
    Checkpointed: Yes
    Passthru activity logging records record information about both ends of the connection. The incoming connection end is referred to as the client and the outgoing connection end is referred to as the server.

    Field NameTypeDescription
    ClientNameTextThe user name associated with the incoming connection.
    ClientBytesSentNumberThe number of bytes sent to the client end of the connection.
    ClientBytesReceivedNumberName of the session user.
    TargetNameTextThe server name associated with the outgoing connection.
    SessionIdTextA value that uniquely identifies a passthru session.
    HopListText List Path that the connection makes to the endpoint.
    DurationNumberLength of time that the session was open (1/100 second interval)
    EventTypeNumberEither 1,2 or 4 (ASCII digit) where 1=Session Open, 2=Checkpoint, 4=Session Close. When a passthru session opens, a record gets logged with EventType=1. If a session is active past a configurable checkpoint interval, another record is written with EventType=2. When the session terminates, a record is written with EventType=4. We write the checkpoint records so that in the unlikely event of a server crash, there is some record of a user's activity
    ClientAddressTextNetwork address of the client
    BytesFromServerNumberThe number of bytes the client has read from the server.
    BytesToServerNumberThe number of bytes the client has sent to the server.
    DocumentsReadNumberThe number of documents read during the session.
    DocumentsWrittenNumberThe number of documents written during the session
    TransactionsNumberThe number of transactions executed by this session.
    PortTextThe port used by this session.

    MAIL Activity
    Name: Domino.MAIL
    Checkpointed: No
    Mail logging records the activity generated by mail passing through the server.

    Field NameTypeDescription
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server that produced the record.
    SessionIdTextPresent for deposits only. This is the session identifier of the network session that processed the message. If enabled, there will be a Domino.Notes.Session record that corresponds to this value for Notes mail deposits and a Domino.SMTP.Session record that corresponds to this value for SMTP mail deposits.
    MessageIdTextA unique identifier for the message. Note that there will be many activity records generated for one message.
    PostedDateTextThe date that the message was sent.
    EventTypeNumber.1 = Deposit
    2 = Delivery
    4 = Delivery error
    8 = Transfer
    16 = Transfer error
    OriginatorTextThe sender of the message.
    RecipientsText ListThe recipients of the message.
    PrevHopTextThe server name (or user name) that deposited the message. Only present for deposits.
    NextHopTextThe name of the server to which the message is being sent.
    SizeTextThe size of the message.
    ErrorMsgTextText generated by the mail router explaining the reason for a failure. Present only if there's an error.

    POP3 Activity
    Name: Domino.POP3
    Checkpointed: Yes
    Sessions that terminate before the authentication step generate a Close event only. The user name in this case will be Anonymous.

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    SessionIdTextUniquely identifies a session on the server.
    EventTypeNumberThere are three possible events:
    Authorization = 8
    Checkpoint = 2
    Close = 4
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    BytesFromServerNumberThe number of bytes that the client has read from the server.
    BytesToServerNumberThe number of bytes that the client has sent to the server.
    MessagesSentNumberThe number of messages sent to the client.
    MessagesDeletedNumberThe number of messages deleted from the client.
    TotalOpenTimeNumberThe length of time that the session was in use. (1/100 second interval).

    SMTP Server
    Name: Domino.SMTP.Session
    Checkpointed: Yes
    SMTP activity is logged at the session level and at the message level.

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the organization name of the connected user.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server
    SessionIdTextUnique identifier of the session
    EventTypeNumberOpen = 1
    Checkpoint = 2
    RemoteIPTextIP address of the connected user.
    BytesFromServerNumberNumber of bytes sent from the server.
    BytesToServerNumberNumber of bytes sent to the server.
    MessageCountNumberThe number of messages sent to the server.
    RecipientCountNumberThe total number of recipients processed during the session
    TotalOpenTimeNumberThe length of time that the session was in use. (1/100 second interval).
    HTTP activity
    Name: Domino.HTTP
    Checkpointed: No
    We log the things typically logged for HTTP access. Note that every HTTP request generates an activity record.

    Field NameTypeDescription
    ServerNameTextThe name of the HTTP server creating the record.
    ContentLengthNumberThe number of bytes returned in response to a request.
    ReqTimeMsNumberThe time in milliseconds needed to service a request.
    StatusCodeTextThe HTTP status code returned in response to a request.
    TimeStampTextThe curent time when the request occurred. (Note that all activity records contain a timestamp in Notes TIMEDATE format passed via the API when reading activity records.)
    AuthUserTextThe name of the authenticated user.
    PartnerText***Don't know how to define this***
    RefererTextA URL indicating the source of the link to this request
    UserAgentTextThe name of the browser making the request.
    RequestLineTextThe HTTP request sent by the user agent.
    ContentTypeTextThe MIME type of the resource returned in response to a request.

    IMAP Activity
    Name: Domino.IMAP
    Checkpointed: Yes
    IMAP activity is logged at the session level.

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    SessionIdTextUniquely identifies a session on the server.
    EventTypeNumberThere are three possible events:
    Authorization = 8
    Checkpoint = 2
    Close = 4
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    BytesFromServerNumberThe number of bytes that the client has read from the server.
    BytesToServerNumberThe number of bytes that the client has sent to the server.
    TotalOpenTimeNumberThe length of time that the session was in use. (1/100 second interval).

    NNTP Activity
    Name: Domino.NTTP
    Checkpointed: Yes
    There are two types records logged for NNTP. The first record type, Domino.NNTP.Session captures session activity generated by a client (either a news reader or another NNTP server). The other record type, Domino.NNTP.Feed, captures activity generated by the server connecting to another server and exchanging news articles. The information recorded in both cases is identical but the different record names exist so that server initiated sessions can be differentiated from client initiated sessions.

    An ACTIVITY_SESSION_OPEN record is logged in the following cases: (Note that user could be another server in cases 1-3)

    1. A user connects and no authentication is required. The record will contain a user name of Anonymous. Or
    2. A user connects and password authentication is required. The record will contain the authenticated user name. Or
    3. A user connects via SSL. The record will contain the authenticated user name. Or
    4. The server starts initiates a newsfeed with another server.

    An ACTIVITY_SESSION_CHECKPOINT record is logged if the session is active and the length of activity exceeds the activity checkpoint interval.

    An ACTIVITY_SESSION_CLOSE record is logged when the session closes.

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    SessionIdTextUniquely identifies a session on the server.
    EventTypeNumberThere are three possible events:
    Open = 1
    Checkpoint = 2
    Close = 4
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    BytesFromServerNumberThe number of bytes that the client has read from the server.
    BytesToServerNumberThe number of bytes that the client has sent to the server.
    TotalOpenTimeNumberThe length of time that the session was in use. (1/100 second interval).

    LDAP Activity
    The LDAP server has been instrumented to log information about every request. Since each LDAP request has a different structure, every request uses a different activity logging type.

    Bind Activity
    Activity Name: Domino.LDAP.Bind
    Checkpointed: No

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextName of the server.
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    VersionTextThe version of the LDAP protocol being used.[1]
    NameTextThe name that the client is using to bind.[1]
    MethodTextAn ASCII encoding of the authentication method being used.
    "80" = Simple authentication
    "81" = Reserved for future use.
    "82" = Reserved for future use.
    "a3" = SASL authentication
    ResultCodeTextThe LDAP result code returned to the client.[1]
    ErrorMessageTextThe LDAP error message returned to the client.[1]

    Unbind Activity
    Activity Name: Domino.LDAP.Unbind
    Checkpointed: No

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    ResultCodeTextThe LDAP result code returned to the client.[1]
    ErrorMessageTextThe LDAP error message returned to the client.[1]

    Search Activity
    Activity name: Domino.LDAP.Search
    Checkpointed: No

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    BaseObjectTextThe base object entry relative to which the search is performed. [1]
    ScopeTextASCII digit indicating the type of search. '0' = base, '1' = single level, '2' = subtree. [1]
    DerefAliasesTextASCII digit indicating how alias objects are handled. '0' - Never, '1' Deref in searching, '2 Deref finding base object. [1]
    SizeLimitNumberIndicates the max number entries that the client requested.[1]
    TimeLimitNumberIndicates the max time in seconds the client has requested.[1]
    TypesOnlyTextIndicator that the search should only contain attribute types. ASCII '1' if true, ASCII '0' if false.[1]
    FilterTextLDAP query filter. [1]
    AttributesTextA list of attributes to be returned for each entry found. [1]
    SearchTimeNumberThe time in milliseconds that the search operation (including returning all values) required.
    DirectoryNamesText ListA list of the directories searched.
    EntriesSentNumberThe number of entries sent to the client.
    BytesSentNumberThe total number of bytes sent to the client.
    ResultCodeTextThe LDAP result code returned to the client.[1]
    ErrorMessageTextThe LDAP error message returned to the client.[1]

    Modify Activity
    Activity name: Domino.LDAP.Modify
    Checkpointed: No

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    ObjectTextThe DN (Distinguished name) of the entry to be modified.[1]
    OperationsText ListA list of operations to be performed on the entry. Encoded as ASCII digits: '0' = add, '1' = delete, '2' = replace.[1]
    AttributesText ListA list of attribute names that corresponds to the operations list.[1]
    ValuesText ListA list of values that corresponds to the attributes list. Note that each of the values could be a list. Thus, the values themselves are encoded as comma separated lists. All strings are double quoted to avoid ambiguity arising from commas in the data. Note that values associated with the userPassword attribute are not logged. Binary fields are also not logged.
    DirectoryNamesText ListThe list of directories that this entry was modified in.
    EntriesUpdatedNumberThe total number of entries modified.
    BytesReceivedNumberThe number of bytes sent to the server.
    ResultCodeTextThe LDAP result code returned to the client.[1]
    ErrorMessageTextThe LDAP error message returned to the client.[1]

    Add activity
    Activity name:Domino.LDAP.Add
    Checkpointed: No

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    ObjectTextThe DN of the object to be added.[1]
    AttributesText ListA list of attribute names that corresponds to the operations list.[1]
    ValuesText ListA list of values that corresponds to the attributes list. Note that each of the values could be a list. Thus, the values themselves are encoded as comma separated lists. All strings are double quoted to avoid ambiguity arising from commas in the data. Note that values associated with the userPassword attribute are not logged. Binary fields are also not logged.
    DirectoryNamesText ListA list of directories that the object was added to.
    EntriesUpdatedNumberThe total number of entries modified.
    BytesReceivedNumberThe number of bytes sent to the server.
    ResultCodeTextThe LDAP result code returned to the client.[1]
    ErrorMessageTextThe LDAP error message returned to the client.[1]

    ModifyDN Activity
    Activity type: Domino.LDAP.ModifyDN
    Checkpointed: No

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    EntryTextThe directory entry to be modified.[1]
    NewRDNTextThe new RDN (Relative Distinguished Name) of the entry. [1]
    DeleteOldRDN Text1 if the old entry is to be deleted, 0 if not. Encoded as an ASCII digit.[1]
    NewSuperiorTextName of the new parent entry (if any).[1]
    DirectoryNamesText ListA list of directories that the object was added to.
    EntriesUpdatedNumberThe total number of entries modified.
    BytesReceivedNumberThe number of bytes sent to the server.
    ResultCodeTextThe LDAP result code returned to the client.[1]
    ErrorMessageTextThe LDAP error message returned to the client.[1]

    Delete Activity
    Activity type: Domino.LDAP.Delete
    Checkpointed: No

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    ObjectTextThe DN of the Object to be deleted[1]
    DirectoryNamesText ListA list of directories that the object was added to.
    EntriesUpdatedNumberThe total number of entries modified.
    BytesReceivedNumberThe number of bytes sent to the server.
    ResultCodeTextThe LDAP result code returned to the client.[1]
    ErrorMessageTextThe LDAP error message returned to the client.[1]

    Compare Activity
    Activity name: Domino.LDAP.Compare
    Checkpointed: No

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    ObjectTextThe DN of the Object to be deleted[1]
    AttributeTextThe attribute portion of the attribute value assertion.[1]
    ValueTextThe value portion of the attribute value assertion.[1]
    DirectoryNamesText ListA list of directories that the object was added to.
    EntriesUpdatedNumberThe total number of entries modified.
    BytesReceivedNumberThe number of bytes sent to the server.
    ResultCodeTextThe LDAP result code returned to the client.[1]
    ErrorMessageTextThe LDAP error message returned to the client.[1]

    Abandon Activity
    Activity name: Domino.LDAP.Abandon
    Checkpointed: No

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    MsgIdTextThe message ID of the command to abandon.[1]
    ResultCodeTextThe LDAP result code returned to the client.[1]
    ErrorMessageTextThe LDAP error message returned to the client.[1]

    Extended Activity
    Activity name: Domino.LDAP.Extended
    Checkpointed: No

    Field NameTypeDescription
    OrgNameTextIf running on a tiered server, this is the name of the user's organization
    UserNameTextThe name of the authenticated user or Anonymous if the session terminates before authentication.
    ServerNameTextThe name of the server.
    RemoteIPTextThe IP address of the client.
    RequestNameTextThe name of the extended command. [1]
    ResultCodeTextThe LDAP result code returned to the client.[1]
    ErrorMessageTextThe LDAP error message returned to the client.[1]

    REPLICA activity
    Activity name: Domino.REPLICA
    Checkpointed: No
    The replica task creates an activity record for every database that it replicates with.

    Field NameTypeDescription
    SessionIdTextUnique identifier of the replication session.
    SourceServerTextServer from which documents are being pulled.
    SourcePathTextDatabase path and filename on source server.
    DestServerTextServer to which documents are being written.
    DestPathTextDatabase path and filename on source server.
    ReplicaIdTextReplica Id of the database.
    BytesInNumberNumber of bytes read by the replicator task.
    BytesOutNumberNumber of bytes written by the replicator task
    PriorityTextThe replication priority setting on the database. Encoded as an ASCII digit.
    AMGR (Agent Manager) activity
    Activity name: Domino.AGENT
    Checkpointed: No
    The agent manager creates an activity record every time a scheduled agent is run.

    Field NameTypeDescription
    UserNameTextThe name of the user that created the agent.
    TaskNameTextThe name of the agent.
    DatabaseNameTextThe name of the database that contains the agent.
    ElapsedRunTimeNumberThe time in milliseconds that the agent ran.

For a complete description of the activity logging services, including configuration instructions, please refer to the Domino Administration Help documentation.