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Function : Database
NSFDbCreateObjectStore - Create a Note Object store.

#include <nsfdb.h>

    const char far *PathName,
    BOOL  ForceCreation);
Description :

A Note Object Store allows maintaining a single copy of large notes (for example, a note with large amounts of attached data). Entries in standard Domino databases can be linked to a note in a Note Object Store. This function is used to create the Note Object Store.

The notes in a Note Object Store are accessed using the NSF routines - for example, NSFDbOpen() (or NSFDbOpenExtended()), NSFNoteOpen(), etc.

Parameters : Input : PathName - Null-terminated file name for the Note Object Store.

ForceCreation - If TRUE and the Note Object Store already exists, a new, empty store will replace the existing store.

Output : (routine) - (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success, or what the error is. The return codes include:


See Also : NSFDbGetObjectStoreID NSFDbSetObjectStoreID