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Function : Dynamic Array
OSDArrayString - Return pointer to packed string.

#include <darray.h>
char far * OSDArrayString(

    DARRAY far *darray,
    PSTRING  pstring);
Description :

Return a pointer to the packed string for an element of a dynamic array.

This function is currently implemented as a macro.

Parameters : Input : darray - Pointer to the dynamic array.

pstring - Packed string structure in the desired element structure.

Output : (routine) - Pointer to the packed string.

Sample Usage :

    /* Structure for dynamic array elements */
typedef struct {
 WORD  num;
 PSTRING key;  /* Note that the PSTRING structures */
 PSTRING val;  /* are at the end!!   */
#define KEY_LIST_ENTRY_STRINGS 2 /* Number of PSTRINGs */

KEY_LIST_ENTRY far *pEntry; /* Pointer to current entry */
char far *  pKey;  /* Pointer to key string */
char far *  pVal;  /* Pointer to value string */
int   index;

    /* Get the address of an entry */
pEntry = &(OSDArray (pArray, KEY_LIST_ENTRY)[entryNumber]);

    /* Get addresses of packed strings */
    /* These strings do NOT have terminating NUL characters! */
pKey = OSDArrayString (pArray, pEntry->key);
pVal = OSDArrayString (pArray, pEntry->val);

    /* Print the contents of the entry */
printf ("Entry #%d:\tNumber: %d\tKey: ", index, pEntry->num);
for (index = 0; index < pEntry->key.StringSize; index++)
 putchar (pKey[index]);
printf ("\tValue: ");
for (index = 0; index < pEntry->val.StringSize; index++)
 putchar (pVal[index]);
putchar ('\n');