Data Type : Composite Data
CDFRAME - Used to specify an HTML FRAME element
#include <fsods.h>
Definition :
typedef struct{
WSIG Header;
DWORD Flags; /* fFRxxx unused bits must be set to 0 */
/* In 6 this word is used to signify variable data follows the frame */
/* the data is in the order of the bits, i.e. 0x8000 is the first chunk of
/* the first word of each set of data is the size then the data*/
WORD DataFlags;
BYTE BorderEnable; /* Specifies the FRAMEBORDER attribute for
this Frame element */
BYTE NoResize; /* Specifies the NORESIZE attribute for this
Frame element */
WORD ScrollBarStyle; /* Specifies the SCROLLING attribute for this
* frame element. Must be
* NEVER_ScrollStyle or AUTO_ScrollStyle */
WORD MarginWidth; /* Specifies the MARGINWIDTH attribute for
this frame element */
WORD MarginHeight; /* Specifies the MARGINHEIGHT attribute for
this frame element */
DWORD dwReserved; /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
WORD FrameNameLength; /* Length of FrameName string that follows.
* Set to 0 if not specified. */
WORD Reserved1;
WORD FrameTargetLength; /* Length of default target frame name.
Set to 0 if not specified */
COLOR_VALUE FrameBorderColor; /* Specifies the BORDERCOLOR attribute
for this frame element */
WORD wReserved; /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
/* Variable length data follows (strings not null terminated)
* - Frame Name string (Specifies the NAME attribute for this frame
element */
/* - Frame Target string */
/*This is where the data assoiciated with the Dataflags word above
Description :
Flags see fFRxxx
DataFlags see fFRNotesxxx
BorderEnable Frame Border Attribute specified.
NoResize Specifies the NoReSize attribute to this Frame.
ScrollBarStyle see xxx_ScrollStyle
MarginWidth Margin Width of this Frame in pixels.
MarginHeight Margin Height of this Frame in pixels.
dwReserved Reserved, must be 0.
FrameNameLength Length of the frame name string.
Reserved1 Reserved, must be 0.
FrameTargetLength Length of the default target frame name.
FrameBorderColor Specifies the Border Color.
wReserved Reserved, must be 0.
Frame Name String and Target Name string follow the fixed portion of this CD Record. The strings are not null terminated.
See Also : CDFRAMESETHEADER COLOR_VALUE fFRNotesxxx fFRxxx xxx_ScrollStyle