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Function : MIME
MIMEConvertRFC822TextItems - Convert all TYPE_RFC822_TEXT items into their pre-V5 equivalents.

#include <mime.h>

    NOTEHANDLE  hNote,
    BOOL  bCanonical);
Description :

This function converts the all TYPE_RFC822_TEXT items in an open note to their pre-V5 equivalents; i.e., to TYPE_TEXT, TYPE_TEXT_LIST, or TYPE_TIME. It does not update the Domino database; to update the database, call NSFNoteUpdate.

You must specify as input the handle to the open note and a BOOLEAN value indicating if the note was opened in canonical format (TRUE) or host format (FALSE).

MIMEConvertRFC822TextItems converts all TYPE_RFC822_TEXT items to the appropriate pre-V5 item types. For example, MIMEConvertRFC822TextItems converts the PostedDate TYPE_RFC822_TEXT item to a TYPE_TIME item. (PostedDate is the Notes equivalent of the 'Date:' header in Internet format messages; see also the discussion of the MIMEHeaderNameToItemName and MIMEItemNameToHeaderName APIs below for information on mapping between Notes item names and Internet message header names.)

Parameters : Input : hNote - The handle to the open note containing the item to be converted.

bCanonical - bCanonical

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call. NOERROR - Successfully converted the item. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. Call to OSLoadString to interpret the error status as a string that you may display/log for the user.

Sample Usage :

WORD wNoteFlags;
BOOL bCanonical;
STATUS error;

NSFNoteGetInfo(hNote, _NOTE_FLAGS, &wNoteFlags);

bCanonical = (wNoteFlags & NOTE_FLAG_CANONICAL) != 0;

if (error = MIMEConvertRFC822TextItems(hNote, bCanonical)) {
    goto exit;
See Also :