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Data Type : Message Queues
SERVER_MSG_BLOCK - Collector message queue server message structure.

#include <stats.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
   DWORD  Task;                       /* Task to be processed by
                                         (i.e., Add server) */
   DWORD  Interval;                   /* Interval to return info in
                                         minutes */
   char   StatName[MAXSPRINTF];       /* REMOVE */
   char   StatServerName[MAXPATH];    /* Name of server that you
                                         want info about */
   char   MonitorServerName[MAXPATH]; /* If remote provide proxy
                                         server name otherwise
                                         NULL */
   DWORD  MonitorFlags;               /* Flags passed to monitor
                                         (Reports, Alarms, ...) */
   DHANDLE hTaskList;                  /* List of user defined tasks
                                         to monitor */
   DWORD  TaskListLen;                /* Size of stat list */
   DHANDLE hStatList;                  /* List of stats to return to
                                         monitor */
   DWORD  StatListLen;                /* Size of stat list */
   char   QueueName[20];              /* Used by remote collector
                                         to pass info to proxy
                                         collector */

Description :

This is the structure of a message that can be put into the collection message queue (COLLECT_QUEUE_NAME in stdnames.h).

DWORD Task The Collector Daemon task that is requested. See xxx_TASK.
DWORD Interval The interval to return information in minutes.
char StatName[MAXSPRINTF] Statistics name in the form FacilityName.StatName. For example, "Server.Users".
char StatServerName[MAXPATH] Name of the server that you want information about.
char MonitorServerName[MAXPATH] If Collection server is remote, provide poxy server name, otherwise set to NULL.
DWORD MonitorFlags Reserved. Must be set to 0.
DHANDLE hTaskList Reserved. Must be set to NULLHANDLE.
DWORD TaskListLen Reserved. Must be set to 0.
DHANDLE hStatList Reserved. Must be set to NULLHANDLE.
DWORD StatList Len Reserved. Must be set to 0.
char QueueName[20] Used by remote collector to pass information to proxy collector. Otherwise set to NULL.