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Calendar and Scheduling

Chapter 12-15
Calendar and Scheduling


Calendar and scheduling features are available through the C API. This section will focus on how to add an appointment or a meeting invitation to a User's schedule, delete a scheduled event from a User's schedule and query a User's busy/free time information. Please refer to the sample program, misc\schedule for coding details.

Components of Calendar and Scheduling

  • Appointment:

The following items comprise an appointment note in a User's schedule maintained in the User's mail database.

Item Name
$Alarm Alarm is on
$AlarmDescriptionShows up when alarm rings
$AlarmOffsetx minutes before or after StartDateTime
$BusyNameFully distinguished username of person that is busyMAIL_APPT_BUSYNAME_ITEM
$BusyPriorityTells scheduler if time is busy or free MAIL_APPT_BUSYNAME_ITEM
$CSVersion This item is used to determine what version a cs document was created in
$NoPurgeEnd date/time (prevents note from being purged)FIELD_NOPURGE
$PublicAccessPrivate or public accessible
_ViewIconScheduled event Icon displayed
AppointmentTypeType of scheduled event
apptUNIDUNID of the scheduled event
BodyDetailed description of the scheduled event
BookFreeTimeCorrespond to the "Pencil in" check box in the Notes UI
CalendarDateTimeCauses appointment to show up in Calendar View
CHAIRFully distinguished name of the mail file owner
EndDateEnd date/time of the scheduled event
EndDateTimeEnd date/time of the scheduled eventMAIL_APPT_ENDTIME_ITEM
EndTimeEnd date/time of the scheduled event
ExcludeFromViewPrevents non sent appts from showing up in drafts view
FromFully distinguished usernameMAIL_FROM_ITEM
FormWhat form to displayFIELD_FORM
ORGTABLESet for the scheduled event
PrincipalFully distinguished name of the mail file owner
SEQUENCENUMKeeps the scheduled event orderedMAIL_APPT_SEQUENCE_ITEM
StartDateStart date/time of the scheduled event
StartDateTimeStart date/time of the scheduled eventMAIL_APPT_STARTTIME_ITEM
StartTimeStart date/time of the scheduled event
SubjectBrief description of the scheduled eventMAIL_SUBJECT_ITEM

Use NSFItemAppend API to add each item to the appointment note.

  • Meeting Invitation:
    • Established meeting invitation note:
      To create an invitation without sending the invitation notice, use:
        • The items described above for creating an Appointment note, and
        • The following items.
Item Name
CopyTo Fully distinguished name(s) of the Optional invitee(s)
SendToFully distinguished name(s) of the Primary invitee(s)
BlindCopyToFully distinguished name(s) of FYI invitee(s)
      Use NSFItemAppend API to add each item to the meeting invitation note.

    • Meeting invitation event note:
      Once the meeting invitation is initiated, one or more of the following events will take place:
        • Meeting invitation originator sends the meeting invitation to invitees
        • Invitee counters the meeting time
        • Meeting invitation originator re-schedules the meeting
        • Invitee accepts the meeting invitation
        • Invitee declines the meeting invitation
        • Invitee delegate the meeting invitation
        • Meeting invitation originator confirms the meeting
        • Meeting invitation originator cancels the meeting
      For each event, the "event owner" creates/updates the current message note, and sends out a responding message note. Item to be included in either kind of the notes are:
      The items described above for creating an Appointment note, The items described above for creating an established meeting invitation note, and The following items.

      See the Summary of Invitation Event Note Itemssection for summarized information.

      Item Name
      $CSFlags Mainly used for repeating entries; Determines what type of repeating entry a document is.
      _ViewIcon2Secondary icon to display in a view column
      DelegatorFully distinguished name of the delegator
      DelegeeFully distinguished name of the person being delegated to
      FormToUseOnly used by UI when sending a notice with additional comments
      NewEndDateNew End date/time of the scheduled event
      NewEndTimeNew End date/time of the scheduled event
      NewStartDateNew Start date/time of the scheduled event
      NewStartTimeNew Start date/time of the scheduled event
      NoticeTypeType of the notice
      OptionalAttendeesFully distinguished name(s) of the Optional invitee(s)
      RecipientsComplete list of invitees
      RequiredattendeesFully distinguished name(s) of thePrimary invitee(s)
      StatusUpdateDetails of the event status
      Summary of Invitation Event Note Items The following 2 tables document different item values required for a specific meeting invitation event: Invitation, Countering, Re-scheduling, Accepting, Declining, Delegating, Cancelled and Confirmed.

        (1) denotes a note to be modified or created for the current "event owner" when the given event occurs.
        (2) denotes a message note to be sent out when the given event occurs.
        (3) denotes a message note to be sent to meeting invitation originator when the delegating event occurs.
        (4) denotes a message note to be sent to delegee when the delegating event occurs.
        -- - indicates the item is not required for the given event.
        italic font - indicates the description of the item value.
        NULL - indicates a NULL value.
        helv font - indicates the text string of the item value.

Counter- ing
$BusyNamecurrent user--current user----current user--
Counter- ing
Declin- ing
Delegat- ing
Confirm- ed
$BusyNamecurrent user--current user--------
Declin- ing
Delegat- ing

The following sections describe each of the items alphabetically.

The $Alarm item is of type TYPE_NUMBER and indicates the alarm is on. Set this value to 1.

The $AlarmOffset item is of type TYPE_NUMBER and indicates when the alarm should ring (negative = x minutes before StartDateTime or positive = x minutes after).

The $BusyName item is of type TYPE_TEXT and contains the fully distinguished username of the person that is busy in that timeslot (ex. CN=Jane Doe/OU=CAM/O=Lotus) .

The $BusyPriority item is of type TYPE_TEXT and tells the scheduler whether this schedule event should be considered busy or free time:

"1" = Busy Value
"2" = Not Busy

The $CSFlags item is of type TYPE_TEXT.

"m"= R5 repeat message
"i" = R5 repeat instance

The $CSVersion item is of type TYPE_TEXT.

Non existent for 4.5/4.6 documents
"2" = R5 documents

The $NoPurge item is of type TYPE_TIME and contains the ending date/time. This item prevents the note from being purged by replication before the schedule event has occurred. Use ConvertTextToTIMEDATE for the ending time string (ex. "03/16/2000 05:00 pm").

    The $PublicAccess item is of type TYPE_TEXT and indicates if this scheduled event can be viewed by public:

    "1" indicates this scheduled event can be viewed by the public
    Skip this item to mark it as Private

    The _ViewIcon item is of type TYPE_NUMBER and indicates what view icon to use. When creating an appointment, set this value to 160. See the Summary of Invitation Event Note Itemssection for the used value when creating a meeting invitation.

    The _ViewIcon2 item is of type TYPE_NUMBER. It is the secondary icon to display in a view column. See the Summary of Invitation Event Note Itemssection for the used value when creating a meeting invitation.

    The AppointmentType item is of type TYPE_TEXT and can be one of the following values:

    "0" = Personal Appointment
    "1" = Anniversary
    "2" = Event
    "3" = Meeting Invitation
    "4" = Reminder

    The apptUNID item is of type TYPE_TEXT and contains the Universal NoteID of the scheduled event.

    The Body item is of type TYPE_COMPOSITE and contains the scheduled event's detailed description.

    The BookFreeTime item is of type TYPE_TEXT. It is the "Pencil in" check box in the Notes UI:

    "" = the not checked "Pencil in" check box
    "1" = the checked "Pencil in" check box

    The CalendarDateTime is of type TYPE_TIME and contains the start date/time of the appointment. Adding this item to the note causes the scheduled time to show up in the calendar view. Use ConvertTextToTIMEDATE for CalendarDateTime string (ex. "03/16/2000 09:00 am").

      The CHAIR item is of type TYPE_TEXT and contains the fully distinguished username of the owner of the mail database that created the calendar entry (ex. CN=Jane Doe/OU=CAM/O=Lotus) .

      The CopyTo item is of type TYPE_TEXT or TYPE_TEXTLIST and contains the scheduled event's optional invitee(s).

        The Delegator item is of type TYPE_TEXT and contains the fully distinguished username of the person delegating the event.

        The Delegee item is of type TYPE_TEXT and contains the fully distinguished username of the person the event is delegated to.

        The EndDate is of type TYPE_TIME and is the end date/time of the scheduled event. Use ConvertTextToTIMEDATE for CalendarDateTime string (ex. "03/16/2000 05:00 pm"). It is mainly used in the UI to display a single instance of a value from a multi-valued EndDateTime item. It is also used in some of the Calendar view display columns.

        The EndDateTime is of type TYPE_TIME or TYPE_TIME_RANGE and contains the end date/time of the scheduled event. Use ConvertTextToTIMEDATE for EndDateTime string (ex. "03/16/2000 05:00 pm").

        The EndTime is of type TYPE_TIME and contains the end date/time of the scheduled event. Use ConvertTextToTIMEDATE for CalendarDateTime string (ex. "03/16/2000 05:00 pm"). It is mainly used in the UI to display a single instance of a value from a multi-valued EndDateTime item. It is also used in some of the Calendar view display columns.

        The ExcludeFromView item is of type TYPE_TEXT and prevents the scheduled events that are not sent from showing up in the drafts view. The value of this item is "D".

        The Form item is of type TYPE_TEXT and determines what form to display. Set this value to "Appointment" when creating an appointment. When creating a meeting invitation, see the Summary of Invitation Event Note Itemssectionfor the required value.

        The FormToUse item is of type TYPE_TEXT.

        The From item is of type TYPE_TEXT and contains the fully distinguished username who created or sent it (ex. CN=Jane Doe/OU=CAM/O=Lotus).

          The NewEndDate is of type TYPE_TIME and is the new end date/time of the scheduled event.

          The NewEndTime is of type TYPE_TIME and is the new end date/time of the scheduled event.

          The NewStartDate is of type TYPE_TIME and is the new start date/time of the scheduled event.

          The NewStartTime is of type TYPE_TIME and is the new start date/time of the scheduled event.

          The NoticeType item is of type TYPE_TEXT and can be one of the following values:

          "I" = Invitation
          "U" = Rescheduled
          "C" = Cancelled
          "N" = Confirmed
          "A" = Accepted
          "R" = Declined
          "T" = Countered
          "D" = Delegated
          "L" = Delegate Invited

          The OptionalAttendees item is of type TYPE_TEXT and contains the fully distinguished username of the Optional invitees (ex. CN=Jane Doe/OU=CAM/O=Lotus).

          The ORGTABLE item is of type TYPE_TEXT. It is set to "C0" for Calendar.

            The Principal item is of type TYPE_TEXT and contains the fully distinguished username of the owner of the mail database (ex. CN=Jane Doe/OU=CAM/O=Lotus).

              The Recipients item is of type TYPE_TEXT or TYPE_TEXTLIST and contains the fully distinguished username(s) of all the invitees (ex. CN=Jane Doe/OU=CAM/O=Lotus).

              The RequiredAttendees item is of type TYPE_TEXT and contains the fully distinguished username of the Primary invitees (ex. CN=Jane Doe/OU=CAM/O=Lotus).

              The SendTo item is of type TYPE_TEXT or TYPE_TEXTLIST and contains the scheduled event's primary invitee(s).

                The SEQUENCENUM item is of type TYPE_NUMBER and keeps the scheduled events ordered. Set this value to 1 initially.

                The StartDate is of type TYPE_TIME and is the start date/time of the scheduled event. Use ConvertTextToTIMEDATE for CalendarDateTime string (ex. "03/16/2000 09:00 am"). It is mainly used in the UI to display a single instance of a value from a multi-valued StartDateTime item. It is also used in some of the Calendar view display columns.

                The StartDateTime is of type TYPE_TIME or TYPE_TIME_RANGE and contains the start date/time of the scheduled event. Use ConvertTextToTIMEDATE for StartDateTime string (ex. "03/16/2000 09:00 am").

                  The StartTime is of type TYPE_TIME and is the start date/time of the scheduled event. Use ConvertTextToTIMEDATE for CalendarDateTime string (ex. "03/16/2000 09:00 am"). It is mainly used in the UI to display a single instance of a value from a multi-valued StartDateTime item. It is also used in some of the Calendar view display columns.

                  The StatusUpdate item is of type TYPE_COMPOSITE and contains the scheduled event's status description.

                  The Subject item is of type TYPE_TEXT and contains the scheduled event's brief description.

                  Adding a Scheduled Event to a User's Schedule

                  This section describes how to use the C API to add an appointment or a meeting invitation to a User's schedule. Following are the basic steps and the corresponding API functions to perform this task. For details, refer to the AddSchedule() routine in the SCHEDULE sample program in the misc\schedule directory.

                  Note: The specified scheduled event time must be within a day's boundary.

                  1. Open the mail database (as specified on the command line) for a specified User. (NSFDbOpen)

                  2. Create a Note in the database (NSFNoteCreate).

                  3. Set the NOTE CLASS to NOTE_CLASS_DOCUMENT (NSFNoteSetInfo).

                  4. Allocate a buffer for data to copy each item's value to (OSMemAlloc).

                  5. Add each of the appropriate Items mentioned in the Components of Calendar and Scheduling section to the Note (NSFItemAppend).

                  6. Update the Note (NSFNoteUpdate).

                  7. Free the data buffer (OSMemFree).

                  8. Close the Note and the Database.

                  Deleting a Scheduled Event from a User's Schedule

                  This section describes how to use the C API to delete a scheduled event from a User's schedule. Following are the basic steps and the corresponding API functions to perform this task. For details, refer to the ScheduleTask() routine in the SCHEDULE sample program in the misc\schedule directory.

                  1. Create an empty text list data structure. (ListAllocate).

                  2. Add the current user to the list (ListAddEntry).

                  3. Retrieve the user's schedule container (SchRetrieve).

                  4. Get the first schedule in the container (SchContainer_GetFirstSchedule).

                  5. Get the busy time information from the schedule (Schedule_ExtractBusyTimeRange).

                  6. Attempt to find the "scheduled event to delete" time in the data returned.

                  7. If the time is found get the schedule list of the user (Schedule_ExtractSchedList).

                  8. Attempt to find the scheduled event time in the schedule list returned.

                  9. If the entry is found delete the note.

                  Query a User's Busy/Free Time Information

                  This section describes how to use the C API to query a user's busy/free time information. Following are the basic steps and the corresponding API functions to perform this task. For details, refer to the ScheduleTask() routine in the SCHEDULE sample program in the misc\schedule directory.

                  Note: The specified time range may extend past a day's boundary.

                  1. Create an empty text list data structur (ListAllocate).

                  2. Add the current user to the list (ListAddEntry).

                  3. Retrieve the user's schedule container (SchRetrieve).

                  4. Get the first schedule in the container (SchContainer_GetFirstSchedule).

                  5. Get the free time information from the schedule (Schedule_ExtractFreeTimeRange).

                  6. Get the busy time information from the schedule (Schedule_ExtractBusyTimeRange).