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Data Type : Composite Data
CDACTIONEXT - Extended field attributes for CDACTION

#include <actods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct 
    WSIG Header;     /* Signature and Length */
    DWORD dwFlags;    /* Reserved for future use. */
    WORD wControlType;   /* Type of control. See ACTION_CONTROL_TYPEs 
below. */
    WORD wControlFormulaLen;  /* Length of formula following this CD 
record. Formula use depends on the control type */
    WORD wLabelFormulaLen;  /* Length of formula following this CD record. 
Formula is used for control's/menu's label. */
    WORD wParentLabelFormulaLen; /* Length of formula following this CD 
record. Formula is used for control's/menu's "parent" label when action is 
first in a group. */
    WORD wCompActionIDLen;  /* Length of name of action ID (from composite 
definition). */
    WORD wProgrammaticUseTxtLen; /* Length of the Program Use attribute */
    DWORD dwExtra[2];    /* available for future use. */

Description :

New field attributes have been added in Notes/Domino 6. To preserve compatibility with existing applications, the new attributes have been placed in this extension to the CDACTION record. This record is optional, and may not be present in the $Body item of the form note.

    In R5, a view action's hide whens, and hence state, is only evaluated once when the view is loaded. Notes/Domino 6 allows the action's state to be evaluated each time a different document becomes current. A checkbox in the action bar and/or a checked item on the action menu can change to reflect a value in the currently selected document. The control formula value evaluates to true (checked) or false (unchecked). The wControlType member of CDACTIONEXT must be ACTION_CONTROL_TYPE_CHECKBOX and the view must allow for evaluating actions for every document changed .

    The fields in this structure are:

    Header - Defines this composite data item as a CDACTIONEXT item.

    dwFlags - Reserved for future use.

    wControlType - See ACTION_CONTROL_TYPE_xxx.

    wControlFormulaLen - Length of formula following this CD record.

    wLabelFormulaLen - Length of formula following this CD record. Formula is used for control's/menu's label.

    wParentLabelFormulaLen - Length of formula following this CD record.

wCompActionIDLen - Length of name of action ID (from composite definition).

    wProgrammaticUseTxtLen - Length of the Program Use attribute

      dwExtra - Reserved for future use.

      These fields may be followed by an optional control formula value. If you plan to use it, you will need to declare the variable and assign a value to its length.

      Note that rich text fields are items of type TYPE_COMPOSITE. Therefore, API programs that run on non-Intel architecture platforms must perform host/canonical conversion on CD record structures such as this when accessing rich text item data in a note.