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Function : Main Routines
NotesInitThread - Thread initialization routine

#include <global.h>
Description :

Initialize the Domino or Notes runtime system to support a new thread.
Applications may makeC API calls from more than one thread. Each new thread must call NotesInitThread() before making any other C API calls.

The first thread calls NotesInitExtended which does the process

initialization as well as the the initialization for that thread. Each subsequent thread must call NotesInitThread and, before terminating, each subsequent thread must call NotesTermThread. The last thread out must call NotesTerm. However, the thread that calls NotesInitExtended does not have to be the thread that calls NotesTerm.

Parameters :

Output : (routine) - NOERROR if successfull, or a non-zero return value if unable to initialize thread state.

See Also : NotesInitExtended NotesTerm NotesTermThread