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Function : Access Control List
NSFDbHasFullAccess - Check whether the database handle has full access to the database.

#include <nsfdb.h>
FLAG NSFDbHasFullAccess(

    DBHANDLE  hdb);
Description :

Check whether the database handle has full access to perform operations on a database. Full access is Read, Write, and Edit access as well as the ability to:

Monitor the database. Replicate the database. Delete notes from the database. Delete the database. Store private folders in the database.

Parameters : Input : hdb - It is an open DB handle.

Output : (routine) - Returns TRUE if a the database handle has full access to a database, else returns FALSE.

Sample Usage :

    /* Check DB has full access. */ 
    DBHANDLE hdb; 

    NSFDBOpen(<database path>, &hdb); 
     printf("Can perform operation that require full access."); 
     printf("Cannot perform operations that requires full access."); 
See Also :